Our date night ended up being extremely nice. The entire time was so calm and peaceful and sweet. It's amazing what a difference it makes to not have 2 crazy kids around. Eddie V's!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, if you have not had the pleasure of dining there, I HIGHLY recommend it. It was one of the most amazing meals we have ever eaten. From appetizer to dessert was pure savory bliss. To start we had crab cakes and this is one of our favorite things to eat and theirs did not disappoint. Yummy. Gary had filet mignon and it literally melted in your mouth. All the different flavors danced in harmony to form the most perfect taste. I'm telling you it was something else. My salmon, while not quite as flavorful as his, was equally satisfying. We had this macaroni side dish, which was the most delicious macaroni I have ever tasted. Seriously....it was ridiculously good. Then we had this amazing dessert which was this bread pudding soufle type thing. It was covered with this merengue and bourbon sweet sauce. Sinfully good. This whole meal was. So basically it was a very fulfilling dinner. One of the nicest things was that we got to take our time and enjoy the meal and just enjoy eachothers company and converse with out interuptions and focus on eachother and eachother only. It was the most perfect time!
Oh and Bella did very well for her first night away from us. She only cried a couple of times for me but grandmama was able to console her. So Gary and I are planning our next getaway soon. Maybe next time I will feel comfortable to actually leave the city.
: )
Their bread pudding soufle is one of my top desserts ever. I love that place.
GOOD!!!! We went to Eddie V's for Vday. And I agree completely. Great experience and the best salmon ever. So glad you got away!
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