So recently I totally fell for an infomercial. It was for this makeup line called Sheer Cover. I was just amazed watching the ladies on the commercial use this product and it looked like it really worked. They were offering a special where you actually can get 2 of the products for the price of 1 and they would throw in all this other stuff. Make up and skin products are my weakness! So like I said I completely fell for it and for the first time ever ordered something off tv. I was sooo excited when it came last Saturday and could not wait to use all the neat products I got. Well let me just say I was completely disappointed. Not only did the make up NOT do what it said it would do, I felt like the products actually made my skin look dry and flaky. Humph! It just made me wonder if anyone else has been dumb enough to fall for an infomercial or am I the only goofy one?
They are so catchy! Yes, I have fallen for several. The only one that embarrasses me is a Turbo Cooker......it's this massive frying pan that has a huge lid and your suppose to be able to cook everything at once or something like that. I just use it as a pan. I never heard the end of it from my husband.
Very catchy! You made me laugh out loud!
: )
Okay so now I don't feel as bad.
monica, i almost bought that for myself, too. i'm so sad. :( :( :( liza gibons is great. ha.
I ordered the pedegg off the TV and love it!
You are not the only one, Monica. I fell for the EZ Chopper thing, though I bought it in the store. The first time I tried to chop an onion it went in the trash, a total waste of money. Now, James won't even let me consider buying anything "as seen on TV"!
Glad to hear that worked Amanda. Walgreens has it on sale for $10.00.
Hey Stephanie! I've seen that ez chopper thing too. I always wanted to get it too.
Amanda - I'm glad you liked your tv purchase! I'm actually liking the make up now. It just did not do EXACTLY like the infomercial said but it's still pretty good make up.
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