Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well I discovered this is a "RAT" snake. Fitting huh? Considering we also seem to have lots of rats roaming the hood. They are also commonly referred to as Chicken Snakes. They can reach up to 6 feet long and are one of the biggest snakes found in Tx. They are quite aggressive when they feel threatened and will strike at you, but they are not venomous snakes. They make their homes anywhere there are plenty of rats to be found. They also are commonly used to take care of rat problems and can be placed in attics for this reason. Why didn't we think of that? They also commonly hang out in large trees. So I guess our house is the perfect place for one of these snakes to dwell. NICE!
This is the best part. Gary, is not concerned at all with trying to keep the snakes out of our yard or trees and said it will be good for eating rodents. I say, ...."well what if one bites one of the girls while playing outside"? He says....."Ah..they aren't poisonous so I'm not too worried" Plus sophie will bark at it and then you will know it's there". Can you believe that?

p.s. Gary wanted me to make sure and let yall know that the RAT problem has been solved. He has successfully kept them out of our attic even though we still can hear the trying to get it at night time. They can't though. Ha. Good Job about this snake problem.


Sara said...

"Why didn't we think of that?"

LOL. I guess if it's not one thing it's another...

Anonymous said...

Monica, I think as long as the snake does not start talking to you and offer you some un-told wisdom, you will be o.k. Besides, the way Lil Bella says "wat snake" there is no way it could be dangerous.
I am with Gary, all except the Sophie barking comment, being that yal REMOVED HER VOCAL CORDS!

Monica said...


that's a family secret.
; )
Gary did it....not me.

Anonymous said...

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