I know we must plan for our future. I know it's irresponsible not to because we, if God willing, live to enjoy those Golden Years. Dave Ramsey surely is teaching how to do this and for that I am thankful. BUT today I am being thrown instances of death and it makes me realize that we also must live for today. I wonder what GOD has to say about this....I need to take some time and read the bible to get a better understanding but my thoughts for now are that we must also enjoy today. I just read a prayer request from a lady from church and she is asking for prayer for a little girl and her family because the little girl has brain tumors and has just been diagnosed terminal. She has 1-6 months to live. I don't know what mother can read that and not just cry out to GOD for this little girl and her family. They urged her parents to take her to Disneyland. NOW!
You know we should all do things NOW. Bella has been asking about the beach lately because she saw photos of our wedding and she claims she wants to wear beach clothes and go to the beach. We tell her maybe someday we can go ( when we can "afford" it) and it sure will be fun. Well I think that someday should be NOW not maybe someday. Because sometimes "maybe someday" never comes. We are not guaranteed tomorrow and to bring my child a day of joy of running in the sand barefoot and smiling would have to be something I absolutely can't afford to not afford.
I've been feeling what you're saying so much this week. I've been working my tail off so that I CAN take time off and spend more of it with Drew. And truth be told I'm just about ready to chunk it all and say to heck with my work. I was reminded this morning that in 20 years I won't remember what web site or client gave me joy, but I'll always cherish the time with my family.
Sappy but true.
Even if it's not a tragedy that takes them away, they'll still grow up all too fast before you ever realize what's happening. I see it already. I'm trying hard to stop calling him my baby, because I see so much that he's not anymore - he's already a little boy. Crazy crazy crazy.
Sara - It is crazy.....Life just is I guess. I hope work gets better.
That is so tough! Justin and I have always just flown by the seat of our pants and "lived for today." I wish I could give you an answer. Maybe go to Port Aransas for the beach. It's not the best, but it's closer and cheaper. Sorry I don't have anything better than that!
This year I have come to this same discovery. Am I living by it, probably not as best as I could, but now that Tatum is in our lives, I more want to cherish each day (maybe not take spontaneous vacations, but make the most of what we have to work with). There are creative things we can do to create the right type of "experience" we are looking for together, without having to actually book a trip out of town.
I agree with Summer. If Bella wants to go to the beach and y'all can't financially then take her to Lake Travis or Valenta Beach. Create the atmosphere for her. I believe when we are old (or sooner if were dealt a hard hand) we'll look back at our lives and the most important thing will be our family and the times we shared with them. Just spending time together is what kids want and desire. I am sure if y'all pitched a tent in the living room and acted like y'all were camping would be the most fun for them and look how simple that is. I am talking to myself here too. I am always with my kids but the times when we center what were doing around them are the times that will bring them the most joy and cherished mermories.
It's all a balancing act.
Summer and michelle yall make great points. Kids are not that hard to make happy. What they desire most is our attention. That's what they will remember.
I knew this blog was destined to get deeper than favorable lotions and what not! Great revelation Monica.
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