I love the Fall for many many reasons but one of my favorite things is that it means I get to buy my new Fall shoes. I love buying new shoes and I am getting really excited about making a few purchases. Sunday my sister and I stole a few hours of time away from our families and had some "girly" time. We had a great lunch at Nordstrom Cafe and afterwards indulged in some white chocolate bread pudding for dessert. It was so delicious. Then we were off to look around at shoes and clothes and parfume. I don't think you can appreciate this kind of alone browsing time unless you have children because it was so nice to be able to look around with out having to push a stroller or stop to wipe off my childs nose or get them a drink or hand them their snack. It was extremely nice and relaxing even though it does kind of feel like something is missing. Oh wait.....something was missing but they were safe at home with their Papa. I found several shoes that caught my eye that I thought were just too cute and priced just right but if I'm lucky maybe I'll catch them on SALE! I was such a good girl....I refrained from making any purchases...you know I did not want to have too much fun. That would have made me feel way too guilty. I feel much better purchasing something when I have to do it in chaos.....meaning with the kids around whining, fighting, and generally driving me crazy. It makes me feel like I worked harder for what ever it is I want to buy and like I deserve it more. Here are a few objects of my desire.

And these were the ones just from Nordstrom! Why do shoes have to be so appealing?
I love the first two!
I don't know why shoes are so appealing. I guess for me, a good pair of shoes gives me a bit of confidence. If you have a nice, trendy pair of shoes, you can dress casually and still look decent and up to date.
I don't know, it's hard putting words to WHY shoes are so liked.
I did enjoy our time together. That dessert was so delicious. I barely got to have any though :( J/K
I did not eat all of it.
Once again the little sister was left out :(!
I always try TJ Maxx first. I bought 3 pairs of fall shoes last week, for a grand total of $60:) I got 2 fall purses too: 1 Liz, 1 Nine West for $25 each. Deals make me smile:)
I love shoes!!! But I have to say I enjoy purchasing them much more when there aren't any noses around that need to be wiped :)
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