You know how sometimes you think about doing something and then for strange reasons you decide against it. You think.......Well, so and so does not care about that kind of thing. Then come to find out they actually do and then you feel bad and so therefor want to make up for it. I know it may seem less sincere but in this case I assure you it's not. You see I have this little sister and I have not always been the best big sister to her. As children I was so mean to her and my other sister and I always use to pick on her because she was the littlest one. It was just the natural order of things. We'd leave her out, we'd tell her she was ugly,we'd tell her she was a brat, we'd throw things at her ( even though I don't remember that but she does) and such was the life of Melissa Ann. The mistreated little sister. Awwww....... I do at times feel really bad because with a lot of things she did get the short end of the stick. Then again since she was the youngest she also got a lot of things us other 2 girls never did and maybe that's why. She got to go on a cruise with a girl friend of hers when she was in high school. She got a new car when she turned 16. She got the most expensive name brand purses and the nicest clothes, she got to stay out late. She pretty much has gotten almost everything she has ever wanted! But I'm not and never was bitter. *Wink*
When I moved away to Dallas she was only 12 years old she was a little kid. When I returned 6 years later she was an adult, she was 18 years old. That was when our relationship changed and we became friends. I discovered in her things that I found so appealing. She was fun to be around and she always wore the prettiest smile. She and I then developed a unique connection, one that was more sisterly. We are both able to be so silly around each other and we always have fun and can laugh and just hang out. She is the fun sister. I've seen her go through so much and she always maintains a positive attitude about everything and she makes me laugh. I have enjoyed watching her transform from that whiny little girl to well.....a whiny big girl. Just kidding! I love my sister Melissa so very much and I wish that I had written this Happy Birthday Blog to her earlier so that she might realize that. Now I'm sad....to think I could have made my little sister smile on her birthday and I did not.

I only want the best for her and she deserves it. So just know that I did think about you today and I hope you have a wonderful dinner tonight. Don't have too many cocktails..... I don't want hear about you sleeping in the closet all night.
: )
I love you Melissa, your laughter and smile too!
I don't know what Monica is talking about, I was always nice to you! hahaha
thank you! You made me laugh, poor me I had such a rough child hood.....LOL
Aww, look how poor I look!!!!!!
As the eldest sibling in my family as well, I have to take up for my bride and agree that it is the natural order of things that the younger siblings are to be picked on, and she was just doing her big-sisterly duties. Good job, babe! ;-) Seriously, happy birthday, brat! hahaha No, seriously, really, I also admire your positive outlook on things no matter what happens. Happy Birthday!
Thanks...am I really a brat though? LOL
Melissa - we are all brats.
: )
True! Even our kids are BRATS!!!!!
Mine are not.
; )
they are little angels.
But yeah yours are.
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