Well everything turned out nice for Bella's 3rd birthday party. We had grandparents, aunts&uncles, and cousins over. I was so proud of myself for making Bella's cake even though it ended up taking me way longer than I thought it would. I probably would have made many mistakes had I not had the assistance of my wonderful mother in law there to ask questions and help me along the way. She was tremendous! I very much enjoyed the process from start to finish and the only real visible flaw was that you could see the line where the 2 cakes were put together and I was a little disappointed that I was not able to use the Princess Genevieve doll I had wanted to. Her legs were not removable so we just used an old barbie and put Genevieve's clothes on her. Thankfully it did not seem to bother Bella. She loved it!

The cake was wonderful, you did great!
Not only was the cake awesome (and delicious!), the whole party was great. You have a knack for making things just right and making sure our girls have a very special day. I know thanks to all of your effort Bella felt like a real princess all day! She is a lucky girl to have such a wonderful mamacita!
Wow - the cake looks awesome!! Great job!
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