Bella had her trial ballet class today. They wanted to see if she was going to be okay being left off somewhere since she really is not used to that other than at church on Sundays. I was looking for mothers day out programs and settled on Jackie's dance and gymnastics. We will start out once a week and she will go from 9-12 and they will do 45 minutes of ballet, 45 minutes of tap, and 45 minutes of gymnastics. They also have snack time and arts and crafts time as well. She did so well( she did not even cry) and just went right in so I can tell she is ready and she had so much fun. I got to watch through glass that you can see in but not out of. It was so adorable. I was a proud mama.
Bella also transitioned to sleeping in her room like a big girl. Gary was closer to being right than I was. I anticipated a lot more crying and tears but she only cried a little bit both nights but only because she wanted me to lay down with her and not her Papa. She was so proud of her self this morning when I came to wake her. I can't believe my baby is no longer a baby. Here is what she looked like when she woke up this morning. Can you say MAJOR BEAD HEAD.

she woke up happy, hair and all. ha. ha.
she is just too precious!!
WOW.....Too cute!!!!!
What a sweetie!
monica - i'm so proud of you. i know both of these were major moments for you: bella's bed AND bella's 'day out.' be confident and proud in the little girl that you have raised! looks like she was ready after all - now on to SPA DAYS for mommy. HAHAHAHA.
HI! (It's Jim's fault- he insisted i read your blog!)
Joshua's favorite cat was a blue-point Siamese he named Fox. (?) They had enormously fun times together. Fox climbed trees and played in the street and yard with Joshua and his playmates. And slept with Joshua at night! I LOVE Pongo's name... please tell Bella I do.
Jackie's is where i took Gabrielle when she was 3 and a half. She loved to dance. Jackie had recently begun her dance studio and graciously allowed me to do her logo and rcital covers in exchange for lessons in ballet and tumbling for M.G. She was in a strip center then, corner of Manchaca and William Cannon. It was a delightful time! Have great fun!! Both of you and her!!
Nancy - I will be sure to tell Bella you like her kitty's name. Bella, too LOVES to dance and her ballet slippers have quickly become her favorite thing to wear. She surely does have ballerina toes! You leave as many comments as you like....I love hearing what you have to say.
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