Monday, September 15, 2008

It's time

Oh dear.....I am not looking forward to tonight. Bella has turned 3 and so it is time for her to start sleeping in her own bed in her own room like a big girl. We have been talking to her about this for quite a while now so it's not like it's coming as a surprise. Gary, being the eternal optimist (unrealist if you ask me) thinks we will tell her it's bed time and she will get in her bed, she will get a bed time story and we will walk out of her room and she will drift peacefully to sleep. I, being the realist (pessimist if you ask Gary) know it is going to be way more difficult than that. I pray that Gary is right but that is such a rarity, because I usually am (right babe?) but I guess miracles can happen. He has been right maybe 2 times before!! When I bring up that she will be sleeping in her bed tonight she quickly states that she is not big enough yet and she has to be 4 first. Funny little girl. I am not strong when she turns on her tears...I can't stand the thought of her crying....and I am pretty sure we will be hearing, "But I am soooo sad" and "I am soooo Upset" amongst the tears so I'm nervous.


mrclif10 said...

Oh man I am not looking forward to this either, because you are right (for once ;-) ) she is going to be so very sad. I know it will be rough for a few days, but it will be worth it. It's time -- she is a big girl now.

Anonymous said...

It will be worth I can talk...hehehe!!!!!! But yes it is time for her to go sleep in her own bed. She can't sleep with Hannah for a little bit? If you made Hannah do it then you can make her do it too. Let her kitty sleep with her. Good luck!!!!!

Sarah Hogan said...

Okay, I'll be the bad guy. Honestly, we had to turn Kate's doorknob around so the lock was on the outside. We figured out that once she stop sleeping in the crib (17 months), the only way she would stay in bed was if she knew she couldn't come out. It took 4 months to get used to staying in her bed, but now she goes to bed with no problem most nights. Only occasionally now do I even have to shut the door. Of course last night she was one of those random nights, so I held the door shut for about 10 seconds when she tried to come out. She cried, "I want my mama" over and over. I wasn't sad because she was crying, but it made me think of all the kids who have to go to foster care and don't have their parents to put them to bed and that made me cry! Silly, I know. Good luck. Hannah slept in our bed until she was 6; it all started one night at 2 years old when she was sick. Our bed is too small to repeat that with Kate!

Sarah Hogan said...

Oops! I forgot to say that if Kate was still crying after 10 minutes, I would sit beside her bed until she fell asleep. I found that routine was really important for Kate: she wanted to read the same books and sing the same songs every night.

Monica said...

I definitely think routine is key. Things actually went pretty smoothly. She only cried for a few minutes because she wanted her mommy to stay with her not her papa so I layed down with her and we talked for a minute. I sang her a quiet lulaby and she went to sleep.
She wanted the same exact thing the 2nd night. So our routine is gary gets her settled down and into bed and reads her a story while I shower then I come in and do my little part. She only woke up 1 time the first night and slept straight through last night so it is going suprisingly well. I hope I don't jink myself. And she wakes up so proud of herself.

Anonymous said...

YOU DESERVE ACCOLADES for doing this!!! Hope Joshua will take the same action SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

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