So I'm in my closet today getting dressed to head to the grocery store and in walks gary real quick to grab some of his work shirts to wash. To which I say...."oh you're washing your clothes.....NICE." He continues to grab his shirts when he notices his old gym bag on the floor, the one he is bringing out of retirement in a few days when he starts going to the gym. "Here it is"...he proclaims "Oh I need my combination lock when I take this to they gym". This is the point where he starts searching for his lock. He scavenges the bag, looks in the pockets, feels all in it. "Hmmm, it's not in here" he confusingly states. Then he starts climbing the shelves to look on the top of the closet. Nope not up there. He starts rummaging through the closet, he's looking under baseball caps because somehow I guess combination locks are known to hide under baseball caps??? At this point it somehow dons on me that his lock is downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old back pack. So I say
Me - Hey babe, I think your lock is downstairs in the laundry room closet in your old backpack.
Gary - Noooooooooooooo. It couldn't be in there, I kept it in this bag all the time. It's not in my backpack.
Me - Are you sure, because for some reason I think it might be in there.
Gary - No, I'm sure it's not in there. I never kept it in that backpack. I only used it when I went to the gym.
At this point he is still searching high and low in the closet and I'm thinking to myself....why in the world would he at least not go look and check and see if it's downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old backpack.
Me -Okay.....but I think it is!
So,I see I must take matters into my own hands and I go downstairs to the laundry room closet and look inside his old back pack. I picked up the bag and start my search for his combination lock and what do you know. There it is, downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old backpack. I pull it out and it has at least 5 jolly ranchers stuck to it and a few pennies and dimes stuck to the jolly ranchers. I know he bought those jolly ranchers before bella was born so they have been sitting in that bag for at least 3 years. Maybe he thought you had to bring a lock to the hospital to keep it on the baby so no one would take her? I don't know.....but anyway there it is in all it's glory. YES! Haha I was right as usual. Honestly how has he not caught onto this me being right all the time thing. He's probably still upstairs looking for his lock.
Me - PAPA!!! PAPA!!!!
Gary - no answer
Me - You can't ever again for the rest of our entire marriage ever doubt me and say that I am wrong when I tell you where something is. I'm ALWAYS RIGHT! Here.
I hand him the lock.
Gary - Where was it?
Me - Down here in the laundry room closet in YOUR OLD BACK PACK!
Gary - No it wasn' was NOT in there.
Me - Oh my dear goodness....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello next project of mine. So we've had this desk sitting in our garage ever since we moved into our house last February. Hannah has been asking for a desk for her room since she currently uses her little table that she has had since she was 3. Needless to say she has entirely outgrown it. I've looked around at different desks and was annoyingly surprised to find that desks are not cheap. So I got the idea of redoing this desk since it's in fairly good shape and to be honest it sounds like a fun project to take on. What I see is repainting the entire thing and tightening up the loose screws to get it sturdy again. I think I could change out the dated handles and add some cute knobs to sort of update the look. I could possibly line the drawers with some cute paper and if I get brave enough maybe stencil a pattern on the top part along the edge and cover it with tempered glass and then Hannah can put things underneath the glass like pictures or her art work she brings home. I don't know...I guess the possibilities are endless so it will force me to get the creative juices flowing. And VOILA, hannah will have her very own custom hand painted/decorated desk. The only issue or shall I say challenge is that I have not the slightest idea of where to even begin. Amazingly enough though some photos of some furniture that a gal from church re modeled popped up on facebook ( i love facebook) so I contacted her to see if she would mind if I asked her a few questions and she was so very kind to oblige. She gave me lots of great info that I am sure I'm already a few steps ahead of where I would have been had I try to take this on all on my own. So I am so greatful for the info. Now I just hope I can do this. I have a way sometimes of thinking something is so easy that I take it on, only to find out it was way harder than I thought so I get frustrated and think I can't do it. Hopefully my determination will not give way to any kinks in this chain that are bound to come along the way. The first step........HOME DEPOT. Oh, here I come.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Anybody want a peanut!

So yesterday I was taking my time at the grocery store. One of the only reasons I grocery shop at Target is because I like to go around and look at the non food items as well. Movies, books, toys, home deco, you name it. So I was browsing though DVD's looking for a movie for Hannah as a little gift for making all A honor roll again at school. I'm so proud of her. I came upon The Princess Bride. It's out on dvd and it's a special 20th anniversary edition. It is really neat because if you hold it right side up the title will say Princess Bride but if you hold it upside down the title will still say Princess Bride. How cool is that? So I bought it for her. I used to own the VHS tape but someone who will remain anonymous borrowed it and I never got it back. But it's okay, I still love her or maybe I'm still scared of her. Anyhow we watched it last night even though my husband thought it was the dumbest movie ever. He absolutely does not get it at all. I'm thinking to myself.....Okay how can someone I married not get the humor of this movie. This is MY sense of humor. This is probably one of the most enjoyable/laughable movies for me. It's inconceivable that he does not like it! ( thanks melanie ) I was just laughing, laughing, laughing and Gary was just rolling his eyes, not laughing and actually making me question our whole marriage. Not really but you know. I think he questions the intelligence of anyone who thinks that this is a good movie. I had to remind him that our Pastor even mentioned before that he liked it and Gary admires his intelligence so there really must be something wrong with Gary, not everyone else! Love ya babe! I think the movie is quite Brilliant and I am so glad we now own it and I can watch it whenever I want. I think I will watch it every night in bed just so it can grow on Gary. Hannah, I'm not quite sure she got it either but maybe she is just too young. She asked me, "mom, is this even a kid movie? It seems a little scary?" Oops! I guess there could be some scary parts like the ROUS's. That's Rodents of unusual size in case you don't savvy. It's a fairy tale story with love, loss, death, revenge, humor, wit, and if you're an imaginative, Romantic, you should totally see this movie. Here are some hilarious one liners?
"Do you think he's using the same wind we're using?" Inigo to Vizzini when a ship in the distance is gaining on them.
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." What Inigo will say when he finds the six-fingered man who murdered his father many years ago
Inigo: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.
Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
Fezzini: Inconceivable!
Inigo: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
Westley: You mean, you put down your rock and I put down my sword and we try to kill each other like civilized people?
Vizzini: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The first is never get involved in a land war in Asia. The second, only slightly less well known, is this: never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha --
Soooo many more. For me this movie is just a story of Brilliant lines.
Monday, January 12, 2009
25 Random things about me
1. I'm the oldest of 3 daughters and we all have the middle name Ann.
2. Whenever I pour things I have to count to 7.
3. I exercise 5-6 days a week and I can't exercise for 32 or 38 minutes. It has to end in 0 or 5.
4. I eat candy by a bag of skittles I couldn't just eat randomly what I pull out. I have to eat all the greens, then yellows, then and purples are always last. Sometimes I just eat red and purple.
5. I played the piano as a kid. I'd love to take lessons again.
6. I have a fondness for red cardinals.
7. My favorite number is 7.
8. I've always wanted a Chinese child. I think they are so cute.
9. I have big feet for my height. Size 8
10. I have a fear of flying.
11. I like the color red but I can't say it's my favorite.
12. I think I might be a hypochondriac.
13. I've gained 3 pounds and i am okay with it. For true!
14. I don't really care for ice cream except when I'm pregnant or if it's Marble Slabs birthday cake flavored ice cream. Otherwise I'll pass on it.
15. I don't eat fast food.
16. I'm currently obsessed with C.S Lewis books.
17. I wear glasses but I hate to wear them so I just walk around blind. When I do put them on I am always amazed at how clear things are. haha
18. I love my house to smell good. I'm almost always burning fragrance oil or am spraying scented room spray.
19. I LOVE Doritos with Tabasco sauce though I rarely let myself indulge in it. In fact I think I love just about everything with Tabasco sauce.
20. I met Mike Huckabee and shook his hand.
21. I admire Nancy Reagan and Ruth Bell Graham for the kind of wives they were.
22. I want to run a marathon.
23. I can be really mean/moody. Or so Gary says. ( right babe )
24. This one I just discovered.....Don't laugh. I like to watch Gary exercise!
25. My husband and girls make me feel like the most beautiful mommy in the world.
25. My husband and girls make me feel like the most beautiful mommy in the world.
I got this idea from Sarah Hogan. It was harder than I thought. Now share your 25!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The title is here you just can't see it
So there are so many things swirling around in my head today. Dreams( night ones ), school, muscle twitches, growing up. You know.... things like that.
Dreams -
I have been having this same reoccurring dream for I don't know how long now. I think it was Tuesday night when I last had it. When I wake up all the next day I am stuck with that feeling that the dream brings out and even though I know it was all a dream, in a way it still feels like it happened and the feeling/thoughts stay with me. Why do we dream? Do dreams mean something? The actual dream is pretty much always the same but the people in it change. Well the 2 main people in the dream are Gary and me but the others in the dream change. I dream that Gary is cheating on me and a lot of the times he is doing it right in front of my face and I am just watching in total disbelief for his complete disregard for me. And I am just asking why he is doing this and he never answers me. It's in my pleading with him to explain why when I always wake up. I hate it. Sometimes, and this is kind of funny, the girl in the dream is a celebrity. One time is was Angelina Jolie! Haha.....Gary thought it was hilarious. It was, but it wasn't. Most of the times it's just random people that we know and sometimes even my sisters! Yeah....figure out that one! I know he would never cheat on my in real I wonder why I ALWAYS have this dream.
We are thinking about enrolling Bella at Strickland this Fall in their pre k-program. It would be Monday - Friday from 8-12 and I keep thinking this would be a great time for me to go to school and get my foot back in that door. That door has long been closed. We shall see if that is a direction that my family would want me to go in because of course my family is my first priority but with mornings free like that it just seems like it should not be a wasted opportunity. On the flip side of that it makes me completely sad to think that Bella is growing up so fast and is almost ready for real school. I still call her my baby and she is just that. It's so strange to have such conflicting feelings about that. On the one hand I am ready for her to grow up and on the other hand I am clinging on to her as long as I can.
Muscle twitches
They are annoying and it is taking all that is in me not to be too paranoid about this yet. You may not know this.....but I'm not a doctor but I play one on the Internet. I keep telling myself that it's mind over matter. Don't run too far with it and go diagnosing myself with a debilitating disease just yet. But it's oh so hard. I don't want to go to the Dr. because the last time I went to the doctor with a strange thing that was going on with my body (shakiness) the doctor just kind of told me with out really saying, that I'm probably imagining it. Especially because I could not prove it ya know. But it was there.....I assure you, I feel it. And I feel these twitches all over too but you can't really see them so I figure it would be more of the same thing. Her just kind of looking at me like she thinks I'm cuckoo. I'm starting to wonder if I am. Sometimes I wish my brain could just rest for a minute, or at least not be so obsessive about these ailments. And notice I did not say imaginary ailments.....because they are there. Even if no one else can see them. And no, I never had an imaginary friend.
Dreams -
I have been having this same reoccurring dream for I don't know how long now. I think it was Tuesday night when I last had it. When I wake up all the next day I am stuck with that feeling that the dream brings out and even though I know it was all a dream, in a way it still feels like it happened and the feeling/thoughts stay with me. Why do we dream? Do dreams mean something? The actual dream is pretty much always the same but the people in it change. Well the 2 main people in the dream are Gary and me but the others in the dream change. I dream that Gary is cheating on me and a lot of the times he is doing it right in front of my face and I am just watching in total disbelief for his complete disregard for me. And I am just asking why he is doing this and he never answers me. It's in my pleading with him to explain why when I always wake up. I hate it. Sometimes, and this is kind of funny, the girl in the dream is a celebrity. One time is was Angelina Jolie! Haha.....Gary thought it was hilarious. It was, but it wasn't. Most of the times it's just random people that we know and sometimes even my sisters! Yeah....figure out that one! I know he would never cheat on my in real I wonder why I ALWAYS have this dream.
We are thinking about enrolling Bella at Strickland this Fall in their pre k-program. It would be Monday - Friday from 8-12 and I keep thinking this would be a great time for me to go to school and get my foot back in that door. That door has long been closed. We shall see if that is a direction that my family would want me to go in because of course my family is my first priority but with mornings free like that it just seems like it should not be a wasted opportunity. On the flip side of that it makes me completely sad to think that Bella is growing up so fast and is almost ready for real school. I still call her my baby and she is just that. It's so strange to have such conflicting feelings about that. On the one hand I am ready for her to grow up and on the other hand I am clinging on to her as long as I can.
Muscle twitches
They are annoying and it is taking all that is in me not to be too paranoid about this yet. You may not know this.....but I'm not a doctor but I play one on the Internet. I keep telling myself that it's mind over matter. Don't run too far with it and go diagnosing myself with a debilitating disease just yet. But it's oh so hard. I don't want to go to the Dr. because the last time I went to the doctor with a strange thing that was going on with my body (shakiness) the doctor just kind of told me with out really saying, that I'm probably imagining it. Especially because I could not prove it ya know. But it was there.....I assure you, I feel it. And I feel these twitches all over too but you can't really see them so I figure it would be more of the same thing. Her just kind of looking at me like she thinks I'm cuckoo. I'm starting to wonder if I am. Sometimes I wish my brain could just rest for a minute, or at least not be so obsessive about these ailments. And notice I did not say imaginary ailments.....because they are there. Even if no one else can see them. And no, I never had an imaginary friend.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It's a shoe kind of day
Today was like Christmas for me! Gary and I don't really do gifts for eachother for Christmas because I guess it just feels silly. I don't know.... BUT we did set aside gift money so that we could pick out some new things for ourself ( read for me ...haha) for after Christmas so as to make sure we got the best deal. So today the shoes I ordered online right after Christmas arrived and I could not be any happier. I'm all smiles and I just love to look at them and I arranged them so pretty in my closet. Did I say....I just love new shoes.I can't wait to wear them even though I almost don't want to wear them because they are just so new, and unscratched and beautiful in their newness. I got all three for over 50 % off and the ones from Nine West were only 25 dollars! I mean you can't beat that for a pair of Nine West Shoes. I'm in heaven. And what is most amazing is that Gary actually likes them all.....even the purple ones!

Purple Shoes
Bella has it in her head that purple sparkly tennis shoes exist and so we set out on our Quest today to find some. It's always amazing to me that when you get something in your head like this, its almost impossible that it exists. I mean Bella has really good taste in shoes so you would think purple sparkly tennis shoes would be all over the place. Ummm.....not quite. So it donned on me that Bella must have visions in her head before things actually exist and I am quite sure they are going to hit stores very soon and they will be all the rage. So in the mean time I did some extensive searching online and Voila....I found some purple sparkly tennis shoes. 

So are they tacky or not? I saw them and I was so excited because I was just sure this is exactly what she was talking about. I showed Gary and he frowned at them. Psht....what does he know! Of course now I am having doubts as to whether or not they are tacky. Hmm.... Oh well....if they are she's still wearing them...besides when I showed her the picture she said she loved them.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A few pics
Friday, January 2, 2009
She writes
I know all parents think their kids are so smart. I am not the exception. I taught Bella to write her name and she does it all on her own. All by her self. No help from me! Maybe this is the norm these days for 3 year olds, I don't know....but I still think it's exceptionally brilliant. She also recognizes all her letters and numbers by sight and can tell you with any letter a word that starts with the letter. For example when she recognized an X yesterday she said, " Mommy that is a X and X is for xylophone. She makes me smile from the inside.
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