Hello next project of mine. So we've had this desk sitting in our garage ever since we moved into our house last February. Hannah has been asking for a desk for her room since she currently uses her little table that she has had since she was 3. Needless to say she has entirely outgrown it. I've looked around at different desks and was annoyingly surprised to find that desks are not cheap. So I got the idea of redoing this desk since it's in fairly good shape and to be honest it sounds like a fun project to take on. What I see is repainting the entire thing and tightening up the loose screws to get it sturdy again. I think I could change out the dated handles and add some cute knobs to sort of update the look. I could possibly line the drawers with some cute paper and if I get brave enough maybe stencil a pattern on the top part along the edge and cover it with tempered glass and then Hannah can put things underneath the glass like pictures or her art work she brings home. I don't know...I guess the possibilities are endless so it will force me to get the creative juices flowing. And VOILA, hannah will have her very own custom hand painted/decorated desk. The only issue or shall I say challenge is that I have not the slightest idea of where to even begin. Amazingly enough though some photos of some furniture that a gal from church re modeled popped up on facebook ( i love facebook) so I contacted her to see if she would mind if I asked her a few questions and she was so very kind to oblige. She gave me lots of great info that I am sure I'm already a few steps ahead of where I would have been had I try to take this on all on my own. So I am so greatful for the info. Now I just hope I can do this. I have a way sometimes of thinking something is so easy that I take it on, only to find out it was way harder than I thought so I get frustrated and think I can't do it. Hopefully my determination will not give way to any kinks in this chain that are bound to come along the way. The first step........HOME DEPOT. Oh, here I come.
did you talk with Claire???
Yes, she has been extremely helpful.
Very cool! We have a desk like that, too. It was actually Jimmy's dad's when he was a kid, and it's made of solid wood. It's not real attractive right now, but I've always wanted to spiff it up and refinish it. Let me know what you learn! I'm always terrified of getting myself into more than I can handle, too.
Sounds so fun! I cant wait to see how great it comes out. Keep us posted.
Sara - I will. This desk as far as I know is at leat 10 years old. Gary bought it that long ago at an estate sale. I'm thinking it's at least 15-20 years old.
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