So yesterday I was taking my time at the grocery store. One of the only reasons I grocery shop at Target is because I like to go around and look at the non food items as well. Movies, books, toys, home deco, you name it. So I was browsing though DVD's looking for a movie for Hannah as a little gift for making all A honor roll again at school. I'm so proud of her. I came upon The Princess Bride. It's out on dvd and it's a special 20th anniversary edition. It is really neat because if you hold it right side up the title will say Princess Bride but if you hold it upside down the title will still say Princess Bride. How cool is that? So I bought it for her. I used to own the VHS tape but someone who will remain anonymous borrowed it and I never got it back. But it's okay, I still love her or maybe I'm still scared of her. Anyhow we watched it last night even though my husband thought it was the dumbest movie ever. He absolutely does not get it at all. I'm thinking to myself.....Okay how can someone I married not get the humor of this movie. This is MY sense of humor. This is probably one of the most enjoyable/laughable movies for me. It's inconceivable that he does not like it! ( thanks melanie ) I was just laughing, laughing, laughing and Gary was just rolling his eyes, not laughing and actually making me question our whole marriage. Not really but you know. I think he questions the intelligence of anyone who thinks that this is a good movie. I had to remind him that our Pastor even mentioned before that he liked it and Gary admires his intelligence so there really must be something wrong with Gary, not everyone else! Love ya babe! I think the movie is quite Brilliant and I am so glad we now own it and I can watch it whenever I want. I think I will watch it every night in bed just so it can grow on Gary. Hannah, I'm not quite sure she got it either but maybe she is just too young. She asked me, "mom, is this even a kid movie? It seems a little scary?" Oops! I guess there could be some scary parts like the ROUS's. That's Rodents of unusual size in case you don't savvy. It's a fairy tale story with love, loss, death, revenge, humor, wit, and if you're an imaginative, Romantic, you should totally see this movie. Here are some hilarious one liners?
"Do you think he's using the same wind we're using?" Inigo to Vizzini when a ship in the distance is gaining on them.
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." What Inigo will say when he finds the six-fingered man who murdered his father many years ago
Inigo: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.
Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
Fezzini: Inconceivable!
Inigo: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
Westley: You mean, you put down your rock and I put down my sword and we try to kill each other like civilized people?
Vizzini: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The first is never get involved in a land war in Asia. The second, only slightly less well known, is this: never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha --
Soooo many more. For me this movie is just a story of Brilliant lines.
Hahahah, I love that movie! Infact, I thought about it yesterday @ HEB and wanted to watch it. We're so insync. Oh, you need to get that video back from Melissa.
Michelle - You are so funny. That's why you should have a blog so you can make me laugh.
And No, you can't borrow it.
; )
I have been wanting to agree with you all week since I heard of your blog. I love it. I still quote it all the time. Little Joshua knew the word "inconceivable!!!" before he even knew what it meant. Westley is way cool too!
Gary told me he emailed you and said to please tell him you did not like the Princess Bride and if you did then he would lose all respect for you. haha
I'm glad you stood your ground.
I know I'm the lone one out, but I'm with Gary; I don't get that movie. I think it's dumb and cheesy. Jimmy (and most other people) can't understand how I miss all the supposed humor in it... but it's lost on me.
But I know he and I pretty much stand alone. Everyone else I know loves it!
SARA! I don't even know what to say....
lol - can we still be friends???
Yeah I think so...no one ever said friends have to like ALL the same things. Plus I really admire honesty.
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