Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It's a shoe kind of day
Today was like Christmas for me! Gary and I don't really do gifts for eachother for Christmas because I guess it just feels silly. I don't know.... BUT we did set aside gift money so that we could pick out some new things for ourself ( read for me ...haha) for after Christmas so as to make sure we got the best deal. So today the shoes I ordered online right after Christmas arrived and I could not be any happier. I'm all smiles and I just love to look at them and I arranged them so pretty in my closet. Did I say....I just love new shoes.I can't wait to wear them even though I almost don't want to wear them because they are just so new, and unscratched and beautiful in their newness. I got all three for over 50 % off and the ones from Nine West were only 25 dollars! I mean you can't beat that for a pair of Nine West Shoes. I'm in heaven. And what is most amazing is that Gary actually likes them all.....even the purple ones!

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I'm jealous - those are awesome!!! I'm looking forward to my heel-wearing days again.
I SO understand your feeling and I'm SO VERY EXCITED about your new shoes. Merry Christmas. HAHA.
omg! those are awesome and so cute. 9West are my all time favs too - they always fit right.
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