Bella has it in her head that purple sparkly tennis shoes exist and so we set out on our Quest today to find some. It's always amazing to me that when you get something in your head like this, its almost impossible that it exists. I mean Bella has really good taste in shoes so you would think purple sparkly tennis shoes would be all over the place.
Ummm.....not quite. So it donned on me that Bella must have visions in her head before things actually exist and I am quite sure they are going to hit stores very soon and they will be all the rage. So in the mean time I did some extensive searching online and
Voila....I found some purple sparkly tennis shoes.

So are they tacky or not? I saw them and I was so excited because I was just sure this is exactly what she was talking about. I showed Gary and he frowned at them. Psht....what does he know! Of course now I am having doubts as to whether or not they are tacky. Hmm.... Oh well....if they are she's still wearing them...besides when I showed her the picture she said she loved them.
Very cute- not tacky!
Adorable!! They might come off as loud on a 25 year old, but on a toddler... so cute!
Kate would love them! Our neighbor in Austin showed up with some hand-me-down shoes that we in great condition, but they had Dora on them! Ughh. The little girl was so happy to give them to Kate and, of course, Kate was more than happy to take them. They accidentally "disappeared" when we moved.
Well I know they are cute now if yall all think so.
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