Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm secretly a tree hugging hippy

I just love central market. To go there for me is a big treat and today I ventured past the Southpark Meadows area and went there with Bella. First off they are brilliant for having balloons for the kids right when you walk kept Bella pretty occupied while I explored through out the store. My main mission was insect repellent because I can't find the kind I like anywhere else. I use the Burt's Bee's kind and I absolutely swear that stuff works way better than OFF and it's all natural and you don't have to worry about spraying unnecessary chemicals on your children's (or your own) skin. I also bought a couple of rosemary plants that I am sooooooooo excited about. They smell simply wonderful and they were only 4 dollars each which I thought was a great deal! I also got a lavender plant too.....I can't wait to pot them and set them out by the front door. I could spend hours and hours there looking at everything. There really is no other grocery store like it and if you have never seen their floral section, you're missing out. They had some of the most gorgeous hydrangeas I have ever seen! If I could, I would buy those every week and put them all over my house. I have to limit my visits there because it's pretty hard to leave with out spending at least 100 dollars...I was proud of myself today because I stayed way under that. My goal is to one day be able to do ALL of my grocery shopping there and also all of our household items needs there as well. All of my cleaning products, toothpaste, soaps, shampoo, you know stuff like that. That might be a little tricky when it concerns Gary though, he is still not fully into my all natural products just yet. He still likes his chemical laden kind all though I was surprised that he does actually like my Tom's brand spearmint mouthwash now....hahaha. I just love that place, they have every imaginable product you could need in all natural and organic selections. Anyhow that's all I can think to write about today.....Going to Central Market was my excitement for the morning.


Anonymous said...

I love Central Market too and do most my shopping there, the only thing I leave in need of is paper towels and toilet paper......yah, I can't part with good quality paper goods. I am sure mine are not green friendly but, sorry!!!! Also, I end up spending less money than HEB b/c they don't have a lot of junk food and things that you pass by and throw in your basket....AND, they give you coupons for free things. Can't beat that!

Sarah Hogan said...

Phillip's right there with Gary. I don't tell him anymore if something is organic because he swears it isn't as good. I guess chemicals and antibiotics make stuff taste better:) He has gotten better about it though and does like my new detergent: Charlie's Soap. I used to buy it at Austin Baby on South 1st and Mary St. Some Whole Foods carry it, but ours didn't. It's great!

Monica said...

Sarah - it must be a guy thing.

Anonymous said...

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免費 a片 ,免費av18禁 ,aio交友網 ,無碼女優 ,貼圖 ,69成人 ,美女寫真 ,qq聊天室 ,080苗栗人聊天室 ,波波情色貼圖 ,哈雷聊天室 ,情色漫畫 ,高雄正妹地圖 ,

看a片 ,成人夜色 ,小魔女自拍天堂 ,成人網站 情色論壇 ,視訊 ,影音分享 ,影音部落格 ,卡通影片 ,成人情色 ,色情聊天室 ,野外自拍 ,ut聊天室 ,aa的滿18歲影片 ,正妹強力版 ,3d美女圖 ,聊天室入口 ,性感沙灘3 ,成人文學 ,貼圖區 ,小弟弟貼影片 ,中部人聊天室 ,18禁漫畫 ,vlog電眼美女 ,躺伯虎聊天室 ,正妹照片 ,嘟嘟貼圖 ,av影片 ,小弟弟貼影片區 ,a片小說 ,080聊天室 ,a片免費看 ,正妹星球 ,真實自拍 ,看a片 ,