Saturday, November 28, 2009
Almost Christmas
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 19th, 2009
My little family is having family portraits taken this Sunday. This makes me quite nervous because none of us are what I would call "photogenic". We all tense up and muster the strainiest of smiles when the camera is about to click. I pray the photographers have some mad photo taking skills and will work some kind of photographer magic to capture some decent photos of us. I hate the way I nose is too large and my chin is too pointy that I feel like I end up looking like the wicked witch of the west. I think I posted about that before. But other than that I am really excited about it because we have never taken professional pics as a family of 4. What do we wear! I feel that will be a major project this week. Picking the outfits.
And if that is not going to keep me busy enough my Purse Party is this Saturday! Well, it's this Saturday if the swine flu does not make an appearance in one of our bodies again. Yep, Hannah had the swine flu a few weeks ago and it really kicked her in the behind. Thank God none of us were infected. Thank God for Hand sanitizer and Lysol becaues I think I just drank it daily to kill any and all sickly germs I may have inhaled while caring for her. So, hopfully all goes well and the party will actually take place.
Gary recovered very nicely from his "surgery" and No,he did not have a Vasectomy! Haha... I had several people think he had one. Trust me....he would have happily taken a Vasectomy over what he actually had and that' all I have to say about that! Well and that I am thankful for all the prayers. I know with out a doubt it was the prayer that allowed everything to go as smootly as it did. sweet Bella. We'll see how she does this week with mothers day out. Girlfriend had a MAJOR meltdown last week and was taken out of class by the teacher because there was just no returning to her normal, sweet, easy going self. Girlfriend was apparently having a bad day in the highest sense of the word. It's hard to see her like that. We'll see how this week goes.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009
Time wounds all heals
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What did I get myself into

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
4 years ago
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
So Much I Want to Do

Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
5 days and counting
Vacation! Yes, relaxation! Maybe a trip to Schlitterbahn, some seashell exploring, pairasailing....and who knows what else. Accompanying us will be my little sis Melissa and her fiance and 2 crazy kids. But not the middle sis.....they bailed on us for their own personal reasons, for reasons I do not care to share with my 5 or so readers. But I'm not bitter. I promise. But I will say that I wish they had not bailed on us, but I get it. I hope they have fun in the great state of Alabama on Dauphin Island instead. Seriously. I feel everything always ends up just as it should. There's always next year. Maybe.

Last Year at the Beach
Friday, July 31, 2009

I finished my desk remodel project for my Hannah. She will be so excited to finally have a real desk in her room. I put the final coat of the polycrylic and it is drying as I speak. This sure was a learning experience and I really loved doing the work. I stressed about the quality of my work but had to settle for the fact that I'm not a pro yet so there are going to be a few imperfections. It gives it character, right? My dad stopped by yesterday before it was all the way finished and he was so enthusiastic about it and thought it was just Awesome! He loved it. My Hubby on the other hand never really shared his opinion ( other than to say what was wrong with it) other than he did not care for the decorative paper but said it was fine. My mom stopped by last night and did not really say anything much either, so when I prodded for her opinion, I said, "you don't like it, do you?" To which she wrinkled her face and said, " Why did you put that paper on it?" Hahaha...okay fine whatever, the paper was a mistake. You live and learn right? Then she mustered a, " it looks good".....yeah......right. Her face told a completely different story. But I guess that's what happens when you do something and you put it out there for people to see. They don't have to love it. But I DO.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Adventures in my own Home day 1
Update - 2.5 hours later. Note to self.
It's much easier to be on vacation outside the home with out the kiddo's than it is to be just home with out them. I've been cleaning and there are a million reminders of them and I burst out into tears. WHAT?? What's wrong with you! Really?? Get a grip! You'll see them in a few days. Now get back to cleaning and listening to your ipod with no interuptions. That is what you dream about isn't it? A day with no interruptions?? Geeze!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Running through my head
Death is all around and I keep looking over my shoulder at him. Protect my family and me, LORD!
2 little girls,one just 2 weeks old, and their daddy, Lost their mommy( and wife) way too soon. I pray they all be comforted their whole life by knowing she's in Heaven. My heart aches because I know they'd rather have her here.
There is a time to rest and a time to be busy. Thank you that my time to be busy is behind me and I pray to have a restful remainder of the summer.
Sometimes I forget that not all people live like us( my family) and that what's common to me, can be so foreign to others.
Just because you volunteer and give a lot of your time to things that are bigger than you, does not mean you deserve anything in return. No Prasie, no recognition. Because if you think that you do, you're doing it for all the wrong reasons and will only make yourself bitter.
It was so important to me to be liked by people. Then I realized that I should first focus on liking people.
If you have a problem with people or with people's behavior and things they do drive you crazy or offend, or hurt your feelings...etc. Naturally you want those people to change their ways. Really that's a selfish way of thinking and all you're really saying is their behavior does not satisfy YOU. Why don't you change your own reactions to those things instead of expecting them to change. Really that's all you have control of. Yourself.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew- 5:9
It's not so important to be understood. More so to understand what is important.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Still Have / Only Have
Regardless, it is what it is.
Lately things have been crazy for me with helping out at the new church property to prepare for our first service in the new place and with decorating for VBS which started today. All I have left of my churchly duties is planning Family Night this Friday to wrap up VBS. The theme is the Australian Outback and we will be having a Sausage Sizzle. I'll make some fruit kabobs and we will have a big jumpy thing and snow cones and lemonade and if all goes well it will be a grand ol time. Then I will undecorate the place and I am DUNZO! I can go back to enjoying my lazy summer days with my girls and I can give my husband back his days off from work instead of dragging him along and helping me out with everything. He's been such a trooper! Amazing really. I don't know what I would do with out my handy husband. Did I tell yall he built me a little contraption for VBS decor to add to the snack room rotation. Yeah.....he's pretty much awesome and got a few job offers. Little do they know he only does these kinds of things for me for extra kisses and I'm sure he will completely hate that I just said that.
: )
Up next -
Grandmama coming to town this weekend and then taking the girls home with her for a few day. OH MY! That means I have 4 days all to myself to do whatever I want. Kind of makes me sick to my stomach and happy all at the same time. I think I will finally redo that desk I have been dreaming about and depending on how smoothly that goes....I might work on that old dresser that has been sitting in our garage for over a year. We'll see. Then we have our beach trip to look forward too as well! Can't wait.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My Sisters Keeper
So I read the book My Sister's Keeper over the span of about 5 days. I was not really even sure I wanted to read it but I knew the movie was coming out and I figured I might as well since my mom had the book and books are usually better than the movie. As soon as I started reading it, I wanted to hurry up and finish it. And I don't mean that in a good way. I don't know if it was the style of the writing, or that I read it even though I usually don't like fiction or that it was not something written by C.S Lewis but I was just completely bored. I forced my self to finish it though because I guess I can't just stop something that I started. I have to go full circle. For some reason though I just never really connected to the book or the characters, even though at times the story was very grabbing. I can think of maybe 4 or 5 scenes in the book that were really really good. Other wise the writer fell short for me. I like books whose words come alive and who phrase things so beautifully that it's like reading art. I mean I could still envision what I was reading in my head but they already had faces and to me that took away from it a bit. Most of the time, I was just longing to get to the end so I could know what happens and be done with it. Maybe it was too many story lines going on at once when she could have had a more narrow focus to really make an impact with that story. Don't get me wrong.....I shed some tears but for what that story was, I should have been sobbing. I don't know.....I'm no writer and I am definitely no literary critic either. I'm just a stay at home mom, whom some think rank at the lowest end of the totem pole, who thought it looked like a good movie and possibly a better book but, I was wrong. I don't feel any better or like I improved myself for having read it and so to me it just seems like a waste of time. I wonder if this time the movie might be better.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Que sera sera
Now that I know that I am a okay......I surely do have BABY on the brain. I sure do miss Bella when she was little and so cute and I am finding my self seriously wanting a baby again. I mean I love the freedom that I have now, but that will come again in time and 3 just seems like a nice round number. I don't know......... In a week or so.....I'll probably snap back to reality. But just look how cute she was........and Fat!

Bella @ 7 months old
So would cause some major changes in our life and would completely throw us upside down for a while......but it's kind of now or never. I'm not getting any younger and it would be our last chance at having that little boy! 3 girls would be totally fine too. We shall see.......
Sunday, June 21, 2009
One of a kind
He is the glue that held us all together.
He goes above and beyond for his girls and set the bar so high, I'm not sure anyone can ever really reach it.
He's the one that can comfort me, when it seems I can't be comforted.
He's the one that prays and has faith that never waivers when mine is being tested.
He's the one that taught me about God and about his son Jesus.
He's the one that I can go to with my innermost fears ( still) and they will be quieted.
He's the one that I can depend on and he will never disappoint.
He's the one that can make me laugh for days because he mixes up his words or phrases.
He has the purest heart and most humble nature.
He's like no other.
He is my father.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Charming Aliens
After my MRI I treated myself to a Caramel Machiato,( many moons since I had one of those) non fat of course, and headed to do a little retail therapy......ALONE! Oooohhhh....maybe I was/am in some sort of alternate, Gary is off today and he stayed home with the girls( they totally missed out on the Aliens) and I ran to a few stores. One which was called Charming Charleys. If you have not been there, you must! It was jewelry and accessories galore and they had some of the cutest shoes and dresses and it was all very reasonably priced. I think I just found my new favorite accessory store. After stopping a few more places, and running into an old high school friend, I headed home. Men sure don't do things the way we women do, do they?? I come home to find Gary napping! Surprise, surprise. Bella was watching a movie and Hannah was just playing in her room. Haha....I just had to laugh. Hey, I'm not going to complain, I had a whole morning to myself and as long as the girls were fed, and safe......Gary did a good job.
So that's been my day. I hope to enjoy the rest of the day hanging out with the family ( when Gary wakes up from his nap) taking it easy and anxiously awaiting my results from the Aliens.... oops......I mean doctors.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Day 8

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Here they are

Wow! What an ordeal remodelling can be. We of course are over budget but it has been for things that were unseen. We did not know the backsplash was going to tear out the existing sheet rock which would require new sheet rock in all the back splash areas. Then we had to buy a new faucet because our old one did not have the proper connections to hook it back up. That means I had to run to Home Depot on the spur of the moment and find a new faucet I was going to be happy with and I had to do this pronto because the plumber charges by the hour! After 2 trips to Home Depot we finally got it all installed but I have decided I am going to change it out again. It looks silly with the faucet I picked out. It needs to be a lot bigger. So now I am on the hunt for a new faucet. And who new plumbers were so expensive.....he charged 100/hr! Gary is in the wrong line of work. So what I have learned is to budget probably 10% ( suggested by Sarah H) for just in case things that might happen so you're not stressed out for going over budget.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Birthday Dinner


Thursday, May 28, 2009

My hubby can't just eat one honey peanut butter and banana sandwhich, he has to make it double decker. Or sometimes he eats 2. Really that's nothing compared to the times he ate 2 hamburgers like it was an appetizer. The boy can eat! A lot! He claims he's a growing boy. I claim he's gonna be a growing boy all right if he keeps eating like that!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The New Do

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Design Dilemma

This is the one with black little tiles added to the slate ribbon that will separate the straight tiles from the diagonal.

This is the one that is just all slate tile with a ribbon of smaller slate between the straight tiles and the ones set on the diagonal.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hannah getting baptized
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Fruit Fly, Gnat. Whatever
All Good Things Must End
I am thankful for both of these opportunities and feel like I have grown in faith and body and I can tell I am stronger. I can't wait to see what the next few months will have in store. It is going to be Summer soon so I know it will be interesting. Thank you GOD for these 2 wonderful experiences I got to enjoy and I'm trusting you that great things are still to come. Happy Wednesday!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
But I NEED it

Okay well I don't NEED it, but I sure, really do want it. Thanks to Amanda G and Karina B, all I can think about these days is getting me a new wallet. It just so happened that I was considering replacing my old one because it does not match my purse all that well. Now, not just any wallet will do. It has to be A Hobo International Lauren clutch wallet. I feel like that little boy from A Christmas Carol that wants that red rider bebe gun and it's all he can think about. But at least I won't shoot my eye out. These little thingys are amazing! And if you've seen the contents of my wallet and if you want to be right you will agree that I NEED one.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Out with the old

I ordered our sink online yesterday which is also a black granite sink. I unfortunately was not able to get either one of the ones I posted on but the one I did get was more similar to the top picture than the bottom. It also is bigger than the other 2 and we got it at a GREAT price with free shipping! Can't beat that. I am so excited to get started and see it all together. I hope it looks as nice in reality as it does in my head! I am sure there will be more posts to come about the remodel. Especially since my jack of all trades husband decided to do the demolition part himself to save us a little money. So yeah, he'll be tearing out old contertops and backsplash, and removing the old sink. I'm only slightly nervous.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Time for a New Look
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nobody did it


Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Sunday
The girls Easter Baskets
So much fun to look for the eggs
my easter girls