1. I'm the oldest of 3 daughters and we all have the middle name Ann.
2. Whenever I pour things I have to count to 7.
3. I exercise 5-6 days a week and I can't exercise for 32 or 38 minutes. It has to end in 0 or 5.
4. I eat candy by color....like a bag of skittles I couldn't just eat randomly what I pull out. I have to eat all the greens, then yellows, then oranges....red and purples are always last. Sometimes I just eat red and purple.
5. I played the piano as a kid. I'd love to take lessons again.
6. I have a fondness for red cardinals.
7. My favorite number is 7.
8. I've always wanted a Chinese child. I think they are so cute.
9. I have big feet for my height. Size 8
10. I have a fear of flying.
11. I like the color red but I can't say it's my favorite.
12. I think I might be a hypochondriac.
13. I've gained 3 pounds and i am okay with it. For true!
14. I don't really care for ice cream except when I'm pregnant or if it's Marble Slabs birthday cake flavored ice cream. Otherwise I'll pass on it.
15. I don't eat fast food.
16. I'm currently obsessed with C.S Lewis books.
17. I wear glasses but I hate to wear them so I just walk around blind. When I do put them on I am always amazed at how clear things are. haha
18. I love my house to smell good. I'm almost always burning fragrance oil or am spraying scented room spray.
19. I LOVE Doritos with Tabasco sauce though I rarely let myself indulge in it. In fact I think I love just about everything with Tabasco sauce.
20. I met Mike Huckabee and shook his hand.
21. I admire Nancy Reagan and Ruth Bell Graham for the kind of wives they were.
22. I want to run a marathon.
23. I can be really mean/moody. Or so Gary says. ( right babe )
24. This one I just discovered.....Don't laugh. I like to watch Gary exercise!
25. My husband and girls make me feel like the most beautiful mommy in the world.
25. My husband and girls make me feel like the most beautiful mommy in the world.
I got this idea from Sarah Hogan. It was harder than I thought. Now share your 25!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading that! There is no way i'd be able to write 25 INTERESTING things about myself, I won't even try. (That's telling!)
it did not say interesting....it just said facts.
It was hard...took me a while.
I can write some things about you...want me to?
Doritos with Tabasco... I'll have to try that :)
Very interesting..... I think there were only 4 things I wasn't aware of -- #2 (what???); #6; #7 (clever); and #22 (where did that come from?). Oh and #24, but you said that's a new one (and now that I know it, I'll work out more often for you ;-). As for #23, you're not really mean or moody, you just like to play a mean or moody person on TV every now and then ;-) BUT I wouldn't change a single one of these 25 things, you are perfect just the way you are. : )
well babe after you enlightened me to the fact that a marathon is 26 miles.....Nevermind on that one. Okay so maybe a 5 k?? I just want to run a race.
I never told you of my fondness for red cardinals??
Surely I have. You just forgot and as for #2....yeah I've never mentioned that to anyone ever before.
You make me laugh!!!!!!!
I love Red Cardinals too. I always see one on my way home in the same spot and I believe that it's grandma watching over me. Pretty cool huh?
I'm glad someone got the cardinal thing!
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