Saturday, December 13, 2008

Crazy roads

I've never made a great passenger. Ask Gary. I like to be in the drivers seat. I drive him crazy when he's driving because I am telling him exactly how he needs to be driving. Slow down, don't stop so fast, you need to turn faster....etc. He HATES it. But I feel like I am in the car, in the passenger side, maybe even the back seat, with no great control of where I am going. I surely feel like God is about to steer me down a path, I never intended to take. It's a great reminder to me that I am NOT in control here. I guess I should not be so surprised about this but that still does not make it any easier. A crash still hurts whether I'm the driver or not. A LOT! All the preparing we have done this past year to get us in to healthy financial practices still did not prepare us for a dramatic turn like this. I mean we're talking whiplash here. We thought we were on such a good route. GOD said DETOUR! Obviously roads can fork off in to many different directions, directions we weren't even looking in, directions we were not even given. Bumpy roads, scary roads, dark roads. Roads that look like they couldn't even be driven on. THEY CAN! There's an innumerable amount of roads out there. Hopefully, and this is what I pray, the roads we are being driven down have better destinations than the roads we thought we were travelling. Maybe I should not have my eyes so much on the destination but the actual driver instead and I don't mean having my eyes on him so I can bark orders at him either. I am obviously not the driver right now and so maybe I should have complete faith that the driver is not going to drive too crazy and that he knows where he is going and will get me where I need to be....safely. Thank you driver that we even have this car to be driven in, because other wise we'd be walking.


mrclif10 said...

Babe, this has to be one of your best blogs ever. What a great analogy (does this mean now you are going to be less of a back-seat driver? ;-) I really love the way you write from your heart. And I agree 100% with every word your wrote.

Anonymous said...

well said!

Anonymous said...

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