Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am not big on Surprises. I always seem to find out before I can actually be surprised. It's strange. I guess it's hard to hide things when you're married, especially when you are in charge of balancing the check book. You're going to see the evidence. Duh! Anyhow our 5 year anniversary is tomorrow and we do plan on going out to dinner just to quietly celebrate. We already had our big "celebration" when we went away last month to the Mississippi Coast and so I was not really expecting gifts. To me that vacation was our gift but my kind hearted husband had a few surprises, or not so surprises, surprises and I accidentally found them both before he could give them to me. The first was that he had taken my wedding band ( I have not been able to wear it for months) to the jewelry shop to be repaired. The ring actually snapped apart and one of the diamonds fell off and I have been too cheap to take it in to get repaired so he did it for me. I thought that was sweet even though I would not have wanted to spend the money on it for me. Then I got surprise # 2 in the mail yesterday afternoon( he said he thought he'd be able to intercept it) The new or updated CHLOE! It's one of the 2 perfumes I have been wanting and he got it for me. I love it! I love love love perfume. I feel so loved when people buy me things. Thanks babe!