Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well I have been non stop busy since the little girls left me. This desk remodel played a MAJOR part of that. Silly me thought I could get this "redo" finished in 2 days! My hubby said that was mighty ambitious of me, I just think it was plain old ignorance. I did not want to spend every single one of my free days working and it's exactly what I have done. I have not spent one moment doing something nice and relaxing or pampering to my body or mind. Goodness! Tomorrow is my last day of freedom and I at least wanted to watch a movie or go get a manicure ( you should see my hands)or pedicure or go buy myself something totally self indulgent. Jeez.....I have not even slept in past 6:30. I'm retarded. Well if it means anything I have at least enjoyed redoing the desk. I enjoy learning how to do things and this has definitely been a learing experience since it's the first time I've ever done this kind of work. I LIKE IT! I just wish I had had a whole week to work on it......but Hannah comes home Saturday and I wanted it to be all done and set up in her room when she got back. So, next time I'll know to allow myself more than 2 days to get it done. And next time I will know that wrapping paper is not a good idea to use for decorative touches. The paper part of the desk is a disaster! One I'm afraid that can only be remedied by ordering wall paper ( it's really thick) and praying I can get this other paper off and just redo that for another time. For now the paper will have to do( it's glued on there) with it's air bubbles and wrinkles and all. Eye yi yeye...... That bugs me, but what can I do. Here are some sneak peak pics.

The Color

The Paper and Knobs


Sara said...

I think you found a new calling! Great job :)

Monica said...

I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again.