Saturday, July 25, 2009

Running through my head

So many thoughts and not enough time to think them through. So maybe I will jot them down....or type them out. Just real quick.

Death is all around and I keep looking over my shoulder at him. Protect my family and me, LORD!

2 little girls,one just 2 weeks old, and their daddy, Lost their mommy( and wife) way too soon. I pray they all be comforted their whole life by knowing she's in Heaven. My heart aches because I know they'd rather have her here.

There is a time to rest and a time to be busy. Thank you that my time to be busy is behind me and I pray to have a restful remainder of the summer.

Sometimes I forget that not all people live like us( my family) and that what's common to me, can be so foreign to others.

Just because you volunteer and give a lot of your time to things that are bigger than you, does not mean you deserve anything in return. No Prasie, no recognition. Because if you think that you do, you're doing it for all the wrong reasons and will only make yourself bitter.

It was so important to me to be liked by people. Then I realized that I should first focus on liking people.

If you have a problem with people or with people's behavior and things they do drive you crazy or offend, or hurt your feelings...etc. Naturally you want those people to change their ways. Really that's a selfish way of thinking and all you're really saying is their behavior does not satisfy YOU. Why don't you change your own reactions to those things instead of expecting them to change. Really that's all you have control of. Yourself.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew- 5:9

It's not so important to be understood. More so to understand what is important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said! I love you