Thursday, June 5, 2008

Did we get the wii?

We got the wii. My ever so persistent husband called all around to many different places to try to find us the best deal possible and found it at Costco. They just so happened to get 20 in the day he called and they told him they go fast so if you want one you better come get one NOW! So I did. Right in the middle of cooking dinner I left for Costco to get one. Gary finished cooking dinner for me and got the girls fed and even the kitchen cleaned up by the time I returned. We got a great deal for sure! Our package came with the gaming system, 2 hand wands, 2 nun chucks or whatever they are called and it came with a Mario game but I can't remember the name of that either and a few other things. The 2 wands are good so we can play eachother and not just the game system. It also came with the wii sports game which I believe is standard and that alone contains golf, bowling, tennis, boxing, baseball, and basketball along with many other. Gary and Hannah were so excited...... and I was very amused with the mii. It's a little person you create to look as much like you as you can and that is your player and we had great fun just doing that before we even played games. The wii is very entertaining I should say. My favorite so far is the baseball......even though I have never even played real baseball before. I also got to beat up my daughter Hannah in a boxing match which I won, then felt guilty for afterwards because that meant I beat up my daughter.....hahaha. The bowling is also a hoot and the tennis is fun too, even though I was not very good at that. Hannah is good at the tennis. Gary is good at all of them! I must say though that our arms were quite sore the next day. But it has been a good time and worth the money for me because it will come in handy quite often and I love to see Gary and Hannah have fun. My mother came over and played it yesterday and she had me laughing so hard because she is not the most coordinated person. And when she plays baseball and swings at the ball she also has to make a noise like the swing of the bat would make when being swung at a ball. She also does that with the tennis game. It's quite hilarious. She's a naturally comedic person physically so the combination of her and the games equaled a lot of funny and a lot of side pain from so much laughing. Good fun! I am sure the wii fit will soon follow since Sara W. sent me a link to that and you can do all kinds of fitness things that look to be a lot of fun too and exercise at the same time. The only bad thing so far is that Bella got bonked in the head by walking just a little too close to her sister while she was playing. She got it pretty good. Poor baby. It's also a little difficult for her to play just yet so she just does a lot of watching and gets a little bored but I saw they have a Disney Princess game that she might enjoy. Thanks to all of you for helping me make this decision and especially to Sara Hogan who inspired me to be a cool wife and let my hubby ( and kids ) get a new cool toy. I recommend this game for good, fun family time.


Anonymous said...

Yipee...I can't wait to come over and play.

Monica said...

Yeah i wanna beat you up too. Ya know because I am stronger than you!

Sara said...

Haha. So glad you guys are enjoying it!! Boxing is sooo fun.

Anonymous said...

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