Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I have been feeling so Blah lately and I'm not sure why. I guess it could be that I have been on quite a sugar binge ( starting with the bread pudding I made a few weeks ago) and it might be catching up to me and making me feel heavy and swollen. I've gained a couple of pounds which never feels good and I feel like my regular routine of exercise is no longer useful. Gary was laughing at me yesterday because I am whining about gaining a few lb's as I am serving myself a huge piece of chocolate cake!!! So yeah.....he does not want to hear it. All I wanted was a little sympathy poured into my tank......hahahah . But I guess it's hard to give sympathy to someone who inflicts themselves with their own misery. I've been wanting to do one of those body cleanses but am a little afraid of what it might do. Anyone ever try one?? I know Arbonne makes one......maybe it's time to talk to Summer, my Arbonne supplier. All I know is that I need to change my eating habits( and throw out the rest of that chocolate cake....sorry babe) and possibly cut out sugar for a while and hopefully that will get me back to feeling good again. I don't like feeling this heavy and weighed down. Humph! It's putting me in a bad mood, yet I do this to myself so I should not be complaining. Maybe a good long run outside in this Texas heat will do me good! And babe, even though I love it when you bring me home yummy treats....NO MORE BAGS OF CANDY FOR ME, even if they are buy one get one free. I do best to not have sweets at my fingertips.

So it's no more sugar for me.......Okay after one more bite of chocolate cake!


Anonymous said...

Your silly! You could use a couple of pounds here and there. Your too skinny.....Eat whatever you want and be happy about it. I'm the one that needs to stop own mother tells me I'm BIG. Sniff...sniff!!!!!

Sara said...

Those body cleansing things scare me...

Summer said...

First of all, you are tiny. Stop eating the sugar, and in one week, you'll feel normal again. :) No need to go to the extreme of total body cleanse.
UNLESS of course you want to drop a bunch of weight like Beyonce did for a movie. She drank water with Keyenne pepper -- Yes, I was tempted, too. I watched it on TMZ Sunday night. :)
Arbonne does have a good weight loss program, and a "colon cleanse" (YIKES from Chris!), but you don't need to lose weight, friend.
However, we do need to treat ourselves to a cup of coffee very soon.

Monica said...

Summer - Yeah I don't necessarily want to loose weight, just rid my body of junk. I'll just do like you said and stay away from sugar for a good week. I am sure that will do the trick.

: )
YES let's do coffee! Sounds good.

Anonymous said...

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