Monday, July 21, 2008


One of the perks to being a wife of a car dealership manager is that your husband has access to lots and lots of cars. I have been perfectly happy driving my little current car that I have. It's a suitable size for me and the girls and it's not bad on gas. It drives well, it's been most reliable, we got a great deal on it and I've been content to call it mine. However we have been toying around with the idea of getting a slightly bigger car. Should we ever add to our family we might possibly need a little more room. I of course, being the one who loves to longingly pine for things I know I can't have,( think dog) have my eye on the SUV that is next size up from the one I currently have. I like to tease Gary and tell him it's the only car I would want to drive. He would just roll his eyes and retire the idea......quickly! If he had his way I would already be in a minivan! I will NEVER drive a minivan. No offense to you mini drivers out there I just don't fancy them. Anyway I know in all honesty there is no way we could justify spending as much on a car as the one I want costs, so when it came down to actually picking out something that would be affordable I tell him I would not mind driving a used highlander since they have the 3rd row seat! He says deal! But we don't really need it yet so we figure if/when we do need will be the Highlander. But I jokingly tell him to just keep his eyes out for the Lexus I want and to let me know if one comes in. He says sure babe! Wink wink. Well a few days later Gary comes home with a car that comes in on a trade in and it's an 06 Honda Pilot. It has leather seats and is fully loaded and it has very low miles. It's comparable on gas to my current one and Gary says we can get it for a GREAT deal and it has the 3rd row seat and DVD player already in it. It has everything we're looking for in a car. I'm a little hesitant about it......and surprised he would bring home a Honda. No offense Honda's just that he works for Toyota and the last 7 or 8 cars I have driven have been Toyota's and I like them. I was even driving a Toyota before I met Gary. But I decide to be open minded and give it a shot. He let me drive it for the day to check it out and see how it felt driving. I must admit I ended up liking it more than I thought I would but it just did not feel like the right thing to do. We did not need the car now anyway and I did not want to get it just because it was a good deal so after talking it over we decided we would just wait like originally planned. Fine. Good. Back it goes. Then Wednesday I am trying to get out the door to take the girls swimming and notice Bella's car seat is not in my car. Gary accidentally left it in his car and so I call him, and I am a little annoyed that I can't leave and tell him that he has the car seat and hopefully he can be on his way FAST!!!!!!!!! He agrees to be on his way and gets home in a few short minutes. He apologizes for not catching that he had her seat in his car and says he will make it up to me. Yeah yeah....okay don't be silly. So we are heading out the door and get outside and in the driveway is parked a.........GUESS WHAT....the car I want! I'm like what in the world is this......and he says to take a look at it and I'm just thinking, where did this come from? He said they just got it in! What in the world??? How in the world?? I have a million questions and he gets us all set up in it and off we go swimming at my moms. Come to find out that that morning at work on his daily walk through to look at the trade ins this one just happened to be coming in and when he sees it he almost can't believe it....I mean what are the odd's the exact car I want would be coming in because it's the car I want and they rarely come in on trade in. Not only that he can get it at an even better deal than the Honda since it's a couple of years older but these cars are made to last! After driving it though I start to feel really bad for some reason. Like why in the world should I be able to drive the car that I really wanted to drive. Then it started to feel really indulgent. I could not believe I was actually even questioning if we should get it.I started to feel bad and I did not deserve to get this car. After talking to Gary he assured me it was not indulgent at all and that the only reason it worked for us to get it was because he could get such a great deal on it and if it had been too much, we would not even be considering it. It will pretty much be an even trade financially only I get a newer and bigger car for the same money. Go figure! Still after driving it a couple of days I was not even sure I liked it as much as my current car ( yes you can call me a brat, my sisters do) so we just decided to see what happens. We put my car on craigs list with a number we needed it to sell for to make it all work out and said we would give it a week and if it sells, it was just meant to be and if it does not, well then it wasn't. I was 100% sure my car would not sell, besides no one's buying cars right now right? But either way I said I was going to be happy with the outcome even though I leaned more towards just keeping my old car. Yes, I know I am retarded! Well, as sad as it was, I said goodbye to my car today. Gary told me to be careful what I wished for around him because he likes to make my wishes reality. He likes to make me happy. I assure him that he does not have to do things like this for my happiness( and just so yall know I'd be happy riding the bus as long as I knew it meant he'd be riding the bus with me) but he still enjoys doing things like this when he can. I realize that it's his job that allowed us to get this car and it's one of the perks of his job but a part of me feels like there was something bigger going on behind the scenes. The way it all happened was just a gift from God. The car and my husband.


Anonymous said...

You are right, Gary was a gift from God! I am so happy that you have a husband who is so sweet to you and enjoys making you happy.

The new car is beautiful........yes, you are a brat though! :)

Sara said...

That is so cool!!

I'm with you - I'll never drive a minivan. Everyone who drives them loves them and tells me I would too, but I just can't get past that "mom" look. I love being a mom - I just don't want to look like one :)

I'm excited about your car and even happier that you have a wonderful husband who loves you so much. *sniff sniff*

mrclif10 said...

Me a gift from God? I hope you kept the receipt -- or at least got the extended warranty!! ;-)
That's very sweet of you to say...but everyone knows that YOU are my gift and I thank God constantly for creating you for me to love. Now as for your cars, yes it is an occupational hazard. But part of the reason I think I enjoying it is because you are in reality very easy to please. I know you would probably be completely content if you were still driving your Tercel -- that makes it fun to try and spoil you when I can (although if I were really spoiling you I guess I would have gotten you a NEW Lexus, not a used one -- maybe someday?!?!)

Anonymous said...

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