Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oh man did I have some craziness going on this morning. While not a real catastrophe, it could have been and I would have been all to blame. I would have had to have been admitted to a mental ward because what "could have happened" would have been something I could not have coped with. Here's what happened and sorry but I can not tell it with few words.

This morning my mom arrived at my house and 2 cute dogs followed her to my front door. They were friendly, they were cute and I pet one of them and just shut the door thinking they would be on their merry way. Well my cat pongo saw them and was glued to the window starring at them and they starring at him as well. Awww.....cute. Pongo hissed at know he did his cat thing and they just looked at him like he was the cutest thing they ever saw. Never did I think the dogs were thinking.....kill, kill, kill. I honestly thought it was cute and sweet.....then I was on my merry way. Well then it was time for my sister to leave......and the dogs were still there at my window. I figured they had gotten out of their yard and probably just wanted to be at home and they saw people and just decided we would know what to do with them. I noticed they had tags so surely I could just get the number and call their owners. Before I opened the door I decided I should put the cat in the laundry room so he would not freak out about the dogs. is put up nothing can go wrong...right? My sister walks out to her car to put her son in his seat and I pet the dogs and try to get the number off the tags....but I'm not having any luck because the dog gets excited and want to play I guess. So I figure I'll just put them in my back yard until I can get the number and the owners can come get them. Someone did that for me one time when our dog Sophie got out so in my mind I feel like I am doing a nice thing here. So............ la di goes sweet kind hearted me(in retrospect I now see it was stupid me) I bring these 2 dogs in my house, BIG MISTAKE, and they immediately go berserk! I mean they just went nuts. They started running around my living room and kitchen in circles over and over and over and one was running one way and the other was running the other way so I just quickly tried to open the back door and hoped I could get them to run outside. I finally get one of them out there meanwhile the other one is just running around like a mad dog inside and my mom is yelling at it I'm just trying to keep the other dog from coming back in and keeping the door open hoping that the lunatic one inside might still run outside. It was chaos! Finally I said forget this, get these freak dogs out of here, to heck with trying to do a nice thing. So the other one runs back in and meets up with his partner in crime and I look over and THE LAUNDRY ROOM DOOR IS OPENED!. Bella has opened the laundry room door in all this chaos and Pongo is in there and that is exactly where both dogs run to. I ran in there because I just could see this turning from bad to worse and my immediate reaction is just to grab Bella because she is standing in there when the dogs ran in there and started trying to kill the cat. I mean thank God She was not holding the cat because those dogs would have been all over her as well as Pongo probably clawing her to death. Of course I would not have those thoughts until it was all said and done. So I grabbed Bella and just ran out of there with her all the while knowing those dogs were just going to tear my cat to shreds! I mean it was honestly horrific. I put Bella down and ran back to try to get the dogs away from my cat and at this point they had chased him into our guest bedroom. I go in there and these 2 dogs are chasing the cat all around the room. You know those silly kid cartoons where a dog is chasing a cat and it's just running and running and running in circles all over a room. It was like that......but scarier. The cat tries to escape these monstrosities by clawing up the luck. He was literally trying to climb up the walls....of course to no avail. He tries to climb up this tree I have in there. Not happening. He finally just runs under the bed but so do these dogs and they are all under there and you can just hear the cat crying, pleading for help. My Brave mother tries to jump in there and grab the cat and my sister and I are yelling at her to not do that because she might get bit or scratched......which she does. But bless her heart.....she was trying to rescue my poor cat. She's brave....those dogs turned vicious! Also thank GOD for my sister she came back in to try to help us and managed to get one of the dogs under her foot and against the wall near the bed and was able to hold him down while I worked on the other one. I was finally able to grab one by the collar and was trying to get him out but he was so strong he pulled his head out of his collar and it slipped off. So then I go get a broom.....and just start poking at this dog until it finally gets out of there and outside of my house and then I really forgot how the second one finally gets out. Talk about traumatic. And this all happened so fast. All 3 of us were literally left shaking. Pongo, I'm not even sure if he's alive because at one point I know they had him by the neck and several times had taken bites at him. Chunks of fur were laying everywhere. One of the dogs had blood all on his leg and one dog had pooped on my carpet because my sister was standing so hard on him to keep him pinned down. I have to say she was brave too.

After this was all finally over and done I was just trying to put it all together. What happened? What went so wrong. I really beat myself up because ultimately it was my fault. I should have never let 2 dogs in my house no matter how sweet they looked. And not only that my mind wanders to what could have happened. Just thinking about how Bella could so easily have been hurt with those 2 wild dogs and scared cat running all around her. There is just no way I could live with myself if a poor choice of mine resulted in her injury. I just have to thank GOD that she was not attacked and all though it was upsetting to see my cat get attacked like least it was not her. We are all okay. And so is Pongo. He is severely shaken up. Understandably so.....he was a bit bloody but I think he bit the dog on his leg and that is where the blood came from. I don't see any lacerations or puncture wounds. He does have a bunch of matted fur that was left crisp by the dogs saliva. He is a bit languid but I guess that's to be expected after being bullied by two ferocious dogs. He is scared and reluctant but I hope he is not permanently traumatized and maybe when he wakes from his nap he will have thought it was all a bad dream.

I have never in my life been in a position where something that crazy has happened and I guess adrenaline kicks in and you just do what you gotta do but afterwards I was in tears and exhausted. More mentally so than physically. I will never again in my life trust another animal that is not my own.

Poor Pongo.


Anonymous said...

I will forever be grateful to our precious God that that was all that happened. Even though at the time it was happening I could of never imagined that it could of been much worse. That was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. This happened before 10:00a.m. and it is now 8:15p.m. and I still don't feel like I have fully recovered. I still feel partially to blame, had I not come to visit, those dogs would probably not have come to your front door. I just found out from Michelle that while she came back in to help us, she left her baby boy in the van by himself, WITH THE DOOR WIDE OPEN! Now that is a scary thought! God was with us.

Monica said...

Mom you are not at all to blame. You did not choose to have those dogs follow you like I choose to let them in.
Yeah it keeps playing over and over in my mind.
We are lucky it was not worse and that those dogs did not go after us too.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully none of ya'll got hurt. I think I would have been screaming and crying. Crazy story!

Sara said...

Eeek! Glad everyone is OK!

Anonymous said...

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看a片 ,成人夜色 ,小魔女自拍天堂 ,成人網站 情色論壇 ,視訊 ,影音分享 ,影音部落格 ,卡通影片 ,成人情色 ,色情聊天室 ,野外自拍 ,ut聊天室 ,aa的滿18歲影片 ,正妹強力版 ,3d美女圖 ,聊天室入口 ,性感沙灘3 ,成人文學 ,貼圖區 ,小弟弟貼影片 ,中部人聊天室 ,18禁漫畫 ,vlog電眼美女 ,躺伯虎聊天室 ,正妹照片 ,嘟嘟貼圖 ,av影片 ,小弟弟貼影片區 ,a片小說 ,080聊天室 ,a片免費看 ,正妹星球 ,真實自拍 ,看a片 ,