Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The nerd in me

I have been watching the Presidential biographies as they have aired on PBS. Thank God for the DVR! I love this stuff....and can't get enough. I just finished Ronald Reagan's and I have to say I completely admire him (and his wife) and I will probably regret saying this but I really think in time that President Bush's time in the white house might be looked back on a bit more favorably than we think. I know I know nobody wants to hear about politics and especially what a lowly housewife has to say on the matter but all this History and politics fascinates me. Next up is the Life and Presidency of Jimmy Carter. I don't much care for him but I am still going to watch it and after his will be Nixon! I can't wait to watch that one. So I will just throw this out there now......Sisters, mom, dad, Gary......if you are just scratching your minds this year with wonder of what to get me for Christmas, you can't go wrong getting me books about History or Politics or for that matter C.S Lewis, all though I realize his writings are completely unrelated to politics. So there......the nerd in me just had to get that out. I don't care that it's known now because I am sure it's not all that surprising....I've pretty much been a nerd my whole life. It does make me wonder what other peoples nerdy indulgences are? Or am I the only nerd in existence? Before you answer that, realize it's a rhetorical question.

I'm off to early vote.


Sara said...

I love to hear your thoughts! And I'm totally interested in the presidential biographies as well. I would really love to have a better perspective about history and our past experiences as a country. So I'd say that no, you're not the only nerd. I like it all, too :)

Anonymous said...

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