Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Morning Thoughts

I honestly can't believe that we are already in November. I do this every year......think about how the year just flew by and claim I don't know where it escaped to. It's crazy. It does not feel like it's about to be Thanksgiving again, or Christmas. The stores are already all decked out with rows of Christmas trees, ornaments, blow up Santa's and holiday wreaths. Again I say....crazy! Gary and I were looking forward to a nice get away this month but have decided to be wise with our money instead and save the getaway for our 5 year anniversary that is coming up in just a few short months. Speaking of anniversary, Gary surprised me with a bouquet of roses the other day celebrating the 7 year anniversary of the day we met. 7 Years! How we met is still so absolutely crazy, and I don't think most people even know that story. It's not something I particularly like to share. We used to joke around and say when anyone asks us how we met, let's just make us some crazy story and tell everyone something different. Haha. We dated for a year and then he proposed and even though I had sworn off marriage, he some how convinced me it would be a good idea. We were engaged for a year and then we got married. He was right. These last 7 years have been the best years of my 33. I love thinking about when we were dating..... we had some really wonderful times together and still continue to do so. A comfortableness has settled in between us. A comfort that is like home. I hope and pray we make it to our 50th anniversary! Almost 5 years down.....only 45 more to go. Do you think you can put up with me that long babe? Would you like to see me with grey hair and possibly no teeth? Maybe I can push you around in your wheel chair and help you with your dentures. I can comb your one strand of hair and make you your favorite mashed food. We can sit there on our porch and swing and think about our youthful past. We better enjoy this time now, huh?


Anonymous said...

You better let everyone know how y'all met! It will enrich y'alls story. hahaha

Sara said...

I loved reading this - too sweet :)

But now you really do have to tell the story of how you met...

mrclif10 said...

Wow -- seven years already??? It is hard to believe isn't it? I still remember before we even met, how we used to instant-message till the wee hours.... (am I giving away too much info about how we met? ;-) Yes, we have made some incredible memories in a short time...and many more to go! I also enjoy the 'comfort' that has developed as we have grown together -- I wouldn't trade it for anything. And we have a long time to go before you are pushing me around in my wheelchair feeding me mashed potatoes and mashed peas and various other soft foods! (and you'll finally have your wish of getting to drive all the time, because I won't be able to see any more hahaha) But that is funny to think about -- especially the part about sitting in our rocking chairs, holding hands on the front porch, remembering the "good old days!" Oh, that means the "good old days" are right now -- so you're right, let's make the most of them!

Summer said...

I KNOW HOW YOU MET!! :) hahaha. Five years for us, too. I love it.

Anonymous said...

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