Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving Forward

Well I can't believe it's finally over. I have been so invested in this election....I pretty much ate, slept, and breathed it. The last 15 or 16 months or so this election has pretty much been my life. It's all I read about....all I wanted to watch on TV and all I've listened to on the radio. I never in my life have been so "in" to something and at times it was emotionally draining and I felt like I might have post election traumatic stress syndrome but today I felt so at peace and relaxed and I am ready to move forward. All though I did not cast my vote for Obama, he is now going to be the President of the United States of America and I am going to be okay with that. I keep thinking about what an amazing thing he pulled off here. He made history last night. This had to feel good to him and his wife and to all the African American people in this country and I hope now they can put to rest any hatred or feelings of condemnation that they have for this country and for this country's past injustices against them . I hope Obama winning will set free in them what they need to have peace about their History. I mean I know that won't happen over night but maybe this can be the beginning for that. I hope to move past the notion that any one race is better than the other. I hope they no longer feel that it's the "white man" holding them down. If me saying that offends anyone.....sorry ,but right or wrong ,that's what I hope. I also hope and Pray Obama will take us in a positive direction and I hope this country can be united and I am going to give him a chance and be supportive of him(meaning you won't hear me trashing him like the democrats did to Bush) and I am going to think positive. I'm going to pray for him and place my trust in GOD that everything happens just as it should. Even though this blog might make my husband call me an Obama Lover.....I'm not. I just think he deserves a chance. I feel like this is a new beginning and I am happy to say.......
I'm moving forward.


Summer said...

I think that is a wonderful approach you are taking. It was a hard decision for many people in this race. Chris and I wrestled back and forth many times until just within the past several weeks.

Monica said...

Yes, but it does not come easy.
: )

Anonymous said...

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