Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'll get you my pretty

I hate my nose! Always have, always will. I always wished I had a small, cute little nose. But nope, I for some reason have a big one. A big one with a big ol hump on it too. I always felt like I looked like the wicked witch from wizard of oz.....minus the green face. Yeah....and it's so big I can actually see it out of the corner of my eyes. If I was not scared of the consequences of extreme vanity and the chance of something going terribly wrong....I'd get a nose job. In a heart beat. I hope someday I grow to love my nose...until then I'll just be thankful I have one.


Anonymous said...

Your nose is just that, it's yours! God gave it to you and I personally think that it gives your face some "personality". I honestly don't know how you can come up with something to hate about yourself anyway, but I think we all have little "flaws" that don't seem so little to us! I hope that someday I can have a "mommy make-over" complete with liposuction, a tummy tuck and a boob job!! I'm saving up for that one!!

Sara said...

OK, just for the record, I've never noticed anything strange about your nose - I think you have a beautiful face (all of it)!

But I can relate to what you're saying. After my ginormous rear and my flabby belly, I think my nose is next in line for body hate-mail. My best friend in junior high used to tease me that it looks like a ski slope since it's turned up on the end.

BTW - I'm saving up for my tummy tuck after this baby comes along. I definitely have vanity issues - no secret there :)

Monica said...

Raven and Sara - I think all mothers want that makeover!!!! But still it's my nose that bothers me most....I can't cover it up and hide it like my post baby body flaws.

Summer said...

i'm cracking up here for two reasons: #1) - you are beautiful. and way too hard on yourself. #2) this has always always always been my personal struggle since someone in 7th grade asked me if I broke my nose - since that day, not a day goes by that I don't think about my profile or what would it cost to get at least a consultation with a doc about a nose job. when ashlee simpson got her nose job - i thought, hey....ok, my turn now. :)

Monica said...

Summer - If you ever decide to go, I'll go with you. Maybe they will give us a 2 for 1 deal.

Anonymous said...

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