Friday, August 15, 2008

Just Friday

I have been confused all week on my days and can't believe it's already Friday again. Friday used to be the best day of the week because it meant the weekend and it meant freedom from the work place for a few days. I remember so much anticipation for that clock to strike 5.....tick, tick tick. Now, Friday is just like any other day of the week really. There's no special significance for it. Just Friday. I realize for people with "real" jobs it is quite significant and probably doesn't come fast enough. I used to hate that the weekend would fly by and then there you are Sunday evening dreading what is inevitable. MONDAY! I don't miss that sick feeling that comes from knowing it's back to the grind of the work week. I don't know what in the world made me think of all this. Maybe just that it's Friday and it pretty much just feels like any other day for me but I realize there are people out there so excited today because the weekend is right in their reach. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!


Sara said...

Ha ha - I'm actually the opposite. I dread Friday because it means that just another week has gone by and I STILL haven't gotten anything done.

Oh well. Happy Friday anyways :)

Anonymous said...

Girl you don't know how good it feels when it's Friday!!!!!!!! That means I can take my nap on Saturday. I look forward to that nap. Which I probably won't get this Satruday but still. I LOVE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, I look forward to bugging my sister with my presence...hehehehe!!!!!

Anonymous said...

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免費 a片 ,免費av18禁 ,aio交友網 ,無碼女優 ,貼圖 ,69成人 ,美女寫真 ,qq聊天室 ,080苗栗人聊天室 ,波波情色貼圖 ,哈雷聊天室 ,情色漫畫 ,高雄正妹地圖 ,

看a片 ,成人夜色 ,小魔女自拍天堂 ,成人網站 情色論壇 ,視訊 ,影音分享 ,影音部落格 ,卡通影片 ,成人情色 ,色情聊天室 ,野外自拍 ,ut聊天室 ,aa的滿18歲影片 ,正妹強力版 ,3d美女圖 ,聊天室入口 ,性感沙灘3 ,成人文學 ,貼圖區 ,小弟弟貼影片 ,中部人聊天室 ,18禁漫畫 ,vlog電眼美女 ,躺伯虎聊天室 ,正妹照片 ,嘟嘟貼圖 ,av影片 ,小弟弟貼影片區 ,a片小說 ,080聊天室 ,a片免費看 ,正妹星球 ,真實自拍 ,看a片 ,