Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here or There

My mind is playing a serious game of back and forth here. Should we do this? Or that? Shall we stay here or go there? Is she too young? If we wait, will she be too old? Why? Why? Why? Why is it so hard for me to just decide and move on. Why do there have to be so many scenarios to consider? Wouldn't it be grand....if I could just decide. Is there a wrong and a right? I just don't want to make the wrong choice I guess and there ya go. I think I just answered my own question with my questions.

Me: Thanks!
Myself - No problem...anytime.

Dear me I must be losing my mind. Or maybe I'm just trying to find it. Either way some days I'm coming and others I'm going so I guess it's hard to tell. Sometimes up is down and down is up and if you look all around you might just get dizzy.
Ha Ha......ouch. I'm sore......loved pilates! It made me feel in places that I didn't know could feel. Oh I had muscles there......didn't know. Now I know.

Gary wants to go away for our 5 year anniversary and I simply can not decide what to do. Does that mean I don't really want to go? Is it worth it? Should we just save that money instead? The Beach? Tennessee? MS? Florida? See...... I can't decide. He says he does not care where we go as long as it's somewhere that our kids are not. That's mean. No it's not! I mean we LOVE our kids but we also enjoy being around just each other too. We mostly just want to relax and hang out and just have a good time and do whatever and I already said relax but that's what we want to do. What to do, what not to do? Decisions, decisions.

There is a list, about 20 feet long, of things that have yet to be decided on. I guess somethings need extra thought and others need hardly any and I just can't decide about some of them right now. I mean with somethings I can make up my mind like that! And like that.....sometimes I can't. I did figure out I have a hard time figuring out what to do sometimes . I want to do what's best for us because the best means I made a good choice. I don't want to say.....oh man, we should have done this or that instead of that or this. Ya know? So you see, that is the problem and it's not like it's a tragedy or like I have to decide if I'd rather save my left or my right hand so in the grand scheme of things I guess it will be okay. Right? or Wrong? Decisions are what they are unless they aren't and so we must make them or not make them but either way you have to live with or with out the consequences of those decisions or non decisions. So there it is. Or is it?

Do you feel sorry for what Gary has to put up with??
: )


Anonymous said...

Yes, goodness. Poor Gary! Only kidding b/c like you it is hard for me to deside things. But lately when I have a thought, the first thought I think of is usually the way I should go. It is when I start analyze and playing out different scenerios that the confusion begins and my brain takes over. So lately, I make my choice based off my first thought or leading. End of story, no looking back. It has worked very well for me. Of course, there is always a time to analyze and discuss things.

Anonymous said...

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看a片 ,成人夜色 ,小魔女自拍天堂 ,成人網站 情色論壇 ,視訊 ,影音分享 ,影音部落格 ,卡通影片 ,成人情色 ,色情聊天室 ,野外自拍 ,ut聊天室 ,aa的滿18歲影片 ,正妹強力版 ,3d美女圖 ,聊天室入口 ,性感沙灘3 ,成人文學 ,貼圖區 ,小弟弟貼影片 ,中部人聊天室 ,18禁漫畫 ,vlog電眼美女 ,躺伯虎聊天室 ,正妹照片 ,嘟嘟貼圖 ,av影片 ,小弟弟貼影片區 ,a片小說 ,080聊天室 ,a片免費看 ,正妹星球 ,真實自拍 ,看a片 ,