Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Sack Lunches

This is an email that was forwarded and I don't usually read forwards much less forward them. For some reason I read this one and it really struck me. I admire so much men and women who serve this country and basically write a blank check to the United States of America in the sum or their life! I don't know if it's a true story or a made up story but I'm sure things like this happen all the time out of the generous hearts of men/women.

The Sack Lunches

I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my
seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book
read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.

Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and
all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a
conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated
to me.

'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then
we're being deployed to Afghanistan

After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack
were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we
reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the

As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he
planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a
lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to
base '

His friend agreed.

I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I
to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar
bill. 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and
squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son
was a
soldier in Iraq ; it's almost like you are doing it for him.'

Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers
seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best -
or chicken?'

'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to
front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first
class. 'This is your thanks.'

After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane,
for the rest room. A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want to
part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars.

Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down
aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not
looking for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my
of the plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his
an said, 'I want to shake your hand.'

Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand.
With a booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military
Once, someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never
forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the

Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs.
A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his
wanting to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm.

When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to deplane.
Waiting just inside the
airplane door was a man who stopped me, put something in my shirt
turned, and walked away without saying a word. Another twenty-five

Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their
trip to
the base. I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars.
will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a
sandwich. God Bless You.'

Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their
fellow travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer
their safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our
I could only give them a couple of meals.

It seemed so little...

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life,wrote a blank check

made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to
including my life.'

That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who
longer understand it.'


Anonymous said...

Awe, what a great story! Like you, I never read forwards. Makes me think what I might be missing. I sure hope this story is true.

You know, when ever I see a soldier, I always want to thank them but for some reason, I never find the courage. It's so out of my character. But, that is terrible, they deserve to hear it.

Anonymous said...

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