Saturday, February 28, 2009

That's a tasty burger

Every now and then I get on a hamburger kick. Twice in 2 weeks I have been craving a hamburger and so I tried 2 new places that recently opened up here. The first was Mighty Fine Burger and the other was Karl Jr's. Mighty Fine was first and while I think the quality of meat was excellent, I think the burger was a little messy for me. I guess that's my fault because I like everything on them....except ketchup. The fries were pretty good and they went well with the burger but I think I might have preferred that burger just with the meat and cheese only. Skip all the other stuff because I think the star of that burger is the meat. It was also a little pricey But I guess worth it for the quality of meat. On a scale of 1-10, I would give it an 8.

Karls - I had this burger today and I thought it was excellent! It had a great taste even though I could tell the quality of meat was not as good as Mighty Fine. But just over all to me it tasted better and I had everything on this one as well and it all went perfectly together. I enjoyed this burger to the very last bite! The French Fries were delicious and I completely enjoyed my meal. On a scale of 1-10, I give this burger a 9.5!

My only concern was that I ate the Karls burger while in an extremely starving state. My morning started at 5:30 and I only had a banana for breakfast because we were rushing to get to San Antonio by 8 for Hannah's soccer game. Gary could not come since he works Saturdays. I had minimal coffee and was exhausted and spent half the day in San Antonio in freezing, windy conditions. The soccer field parking lots were white rock and dirt paved lots and the extreme wind caused nothing but dust and dirt and debris to be flying in the air and I could not even tolerate it and had to sit in the car for 2 soccer games with Bella while Hannah played her games. Then we had to endure 7 mile bumper to bumper traffic just to get to McDonald's for a 2nd breakfast ( only the girls ate ) in between the 2 games and needless to say I had a horrible, horrible day. I was miserable the entire time. Are you playing your violin yet??? Returning to Austin and eating that burger felt like Heaven to me. So Karls may have had an unfair advantage! I guess the only way to know for sure is to eat them both again!

ps - Thank you to my wonderful father for accompanying me today.....he let's me be grumpy and he let's me complain and NEVER ever, not even once makes me feel bad for doing so. Aren't dads the best?


Anonymous said...

I've never had a Karl's that the one with the star logo? Hmm, I thought Mighty Fine was the best burger I've had in a while and if I am not making them at home I'd definitely go back there or to P. Terry's. Best burgers in town!

Monica said...

Yes, I think Karls has the star logo. Mighty Fine was good...I think I was justm more hungry when I ate Karls. Where is P.Terry's?

Amanda Gregory said...

I love Mighty Fine! P. Terry's is really good. It's at Barton Springs and S. Lamar or maybe S. Congress. Check it out. Very good.

Anonymous said...

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