Thursday, March 13, 2008

Clothes that should Rest in Peace

So I have this pair of jeans that are my favorite pair of jeans. They fit just the way I like and they are comfortable and they just feel like a good pair of jeans should. However they are quite worn and have paint spots all over them and they have holes in the knees from too much wear and tear. The ends are all tattered and frayed and they are extremely faded. AND I promise these jeans are not an attempt to be trendy. They look like this because....well it's just how they look. Still, I love them. I can not bear to throw them away or to stop wearing them even though they look like they belong in the garbage. I still wear them in public....probably to the embarrassment of my husband. I mean he has not said anything about I figure they are fine. He's really only ever told me something had to go one time and that was a pair of pants I owned. They were these grey cotton pants that I wore all the time....mostly to exercise and at home but they were so torn up and stretched and the string to hold them up would come out I would use a safety pin to hold them up. The pant leg was ripped up all the way to the knee....but still. I loved them. He finally told me that he thought those pants would make good rags to wash the car with! Ugh.....whatever. I still have them but was finally able to let them RIP. They still sit in my drawer....I refuse to throw them away. Maybe I will pull them out today just to see what he does....hahahahah. Anyway back to the jeans.....these are still wearable ( I think ) and he has not said anything yet so maybe that's why I think they are still okay to wear. Do you have a pair of jeans or a piece of clothing like that? Has your husband or wife ever threatened to throw away or use any of your clothes for rags to wash the car?? Or even....does your hubby/wife have a pair of pants or piece of clothing that you have to's time for that to go??? Just wondering.


mrclif10 said...

You still have those grey sweatpants?!?! I thought you finally chunked them! I am going to find them and use them as a rag to wash the car or clean my grill or something! hahaha

As for your jeans, I think you are so pretty and chic and fashionable that you can pass them off like you bought them that way -- don't worry your secret is safe with me ;-)

Monica said...

Babe....I am soooooo far from chic and fashionable. But it's sweet you think I am.

Summer said...

you guys are hilarious. i'm getting more entertainment reading your thoughts to each other than at work. haha.

Anonymous said...

I will be honest with you need to throw them away!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

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