Wednesday, March 19, 2008

She's back

This past Friday we got our dog, Sophie back. She has been living with Gary's parents for the past 10 months due to us selling our last home and doing the whole apartment living thing. I was hoping the stay with his parents was going to be permanent because I was tired of the mess that comes along with having a dog. And she used to jump on my couches which drove me insane! I like my house to be clean and having a dog makes that diffucult. His parents got tired of having her because she would terrorize their cats and so she had to be tied up when outside or else she would just go crazy. Anyway....she's a pretty good dog, very gentle with the girls and with children in general. I just had extremely mixed feelings about getting her back because of the whole cleanliness thing, but so far so good. She has been home 5 days and has been on her best behavior. She better continue it or she's outta here~ Hahaha.....I know I know...I'm mean.