Monday, March 3, 2008

So we got KO'd

Boy did we get knocked out. I know I know....not another rat blog right. This is the last time I will talk about these darn rats ( maybe ) UGH!! I am just ready to be done with this. Who knew that rats were these highly evolved thinkers and no longer fall for the common rat trap. They are way too smart for that. Gary's 2nd and 3rd attempt at capturing these puzzling creatures left us scratching our heads. Hmm.... Apparently the rats are 50 times smarter than we are. So we get a professional out to the house today to get an estimate and see what it's going to take to get rid of them once and for all and it looks like it's going to take 750 dollars. What???? You're kidding me. Nope! Evidently it's a 2 step process. First setting professional style traps that will actually trap these monsters. Oh and by the way, these rats are probably way bigger than we realized. That's nice to know. So they will then have to cover up the holes that these rats are crawling into to get into the attic. Yeah....they don't actually live in our attic but they come and go as they please. Who knew.... Well I didn't know. Anyhow the whole process will cost us the 750 plus a few weeks of setting the traps and then them coming and disposing of their evil bodies. What I don't get is they want to wait to cover the holes up until after they have the traps set. That seems backwards to me...but then I don't know much about killing rats do I. The Success rate....85%. Goodness......I am telling you this is turning out to be way bigger of a headache than I originally thought. But wait...I saved the best for last....Instead of using this professional company to do all the work and take care of the problem for us. My super hero husband ( he thinks he can do any and everything ) wants to try to do it himself to save some money. Eye yi yeye...... here we go again. I love my husband and he is mighty talented at many, many things. I am not so sure that killing rats is one of them. Sorry babe. So I am left wondering if we should just have this done professionally or do I let my husband go at these rats? What do you think?


Amanda Gregory said...

I don't know what to tell you. The only thing I can say is that I giggle everytime I read your blog. I can just see Gary in the attic (all dressed in exterminator gear) trying to outwit the rats.

Monica said...

It has been pretty comical.
: )
Guys are so funny

Anonymous said...

Let you hubby try to kill them. LOL....but I want to come over to watch. would be hilarious to watch him try to kill these creepy things.

Monica said...

Come on over. We'll make popcorn and pull up some chairs.

Unknown said...

Yes, let him try! A little more time won't hurt (I don't think) plus it will make him feel manly. Just be sure and not say "I told you so" if it doesn't work :)

Also, you know what???? I heard a long time ago that rats can survive anything and would be the last living thing on earth, they went as far as to think what benefits to our immune system they might have if we ate them, HONEST, I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!

There is a guy in our church that has a pest control company, do you want his number to get a quote? Maybe he's cheaper.

Sara said...

Haha - I say it can't hurt to let Gary try it first. Definitely count me in for the popcorn!

Monica said...

Michelle - when we catch the rats we will have yall over for bbq. They probably taste like chicken.

Anonymous said...

$750 is ridiculous! I say close the hole off when the rats aren't inside and then go find where they're living outside! Do y'all have any stacks of firewood in your backyard? If so, that's probably where they're hiding. Just a hunch!

Anonymous said...

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