Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just be me

So it's almost the Summer time. A time for relaxing, taking it easy, lounging around, curling up anywhere with a good book. Yeah right...not when you have kids! But it's nice to think about. Well, there will be plenty of sitting around at the pool watching the kids swim or watching the kids play at the park of whatever it is they want to do. I might even swim with them if I can get over my reservations about putting on a swim suit in front of people. People that aren't my sisters or children. In fact I want to make this summer be about getting over all my insecurities. Well I'm afraid that it would actually take longer than a summer. We're talking about peeling almost 33 years of insecurity layers away. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Well, yeah I do....I would start with my insecurity regarding my body. I am so hard on myself and the way I look. Maybe it's because , if I am being honest, I am quite a judgemental person. I have become less so by time and by the rising of that number we call our age. But I do, I judge people. So naturally I feel I am judged just the same. And I am my own harshest judge. I wish I could get to a place where I just don't care what people think or even better I wish I could just be okay with what I am and what I look like. I can just imagine how it would feel having that freedom that would come from not caring if someone thought I was fat or if someone noticed I too have cellulite on my thighs or thought I was ugly. So what right? I always wonder how it is that some people have lack of inhibition and would walk around in a bikini with their less than flat tummy or less than ample bosoms. Or how someone can just go the whole day with out a stitch of makeup on. I can't do it. I would honestly be pretty scary looking. I know I don't look like I think I should look and therefore it causes me such inner turmoil that to walk around looking less than presentable is simply not acceptable. How do I get over that?? I see 250 lb pound women walking around in their bathing suit like they don't have a care of what they look like or even what people think. I want that! Not the 250 lb body but the lack of whatever it is they have that allows them them to just be them. To me, there's nothing more attractive than a person who is so comfortable with themselves, flaws and all. I want to just be me and be okay with my flaws and not be ashamed. I want to be 100% comfortable in my skin, even with cellulite and love handles and a flabby belly. Well no, what I really want is to be supermodel beautiful, and supermodel thin, but since GOD did not bless me like that, I want to be satisfied just being me. How do I do that??


Anonymous said...

You make a choice, plain and simple! And once you do, it will not be won't instantly feel comfortable and free but it's a gradual process. I imagine it would be like a muscle......the more you work at it the stronger it will become.

And most people could care less about how we look, there busy with their own lives and images.

Sara said...

I totally know how you feel. I've struggled with this for forever. Not sure I have any words of wisdom... except that every time I see you you look totally cute and skinny.

I do think there's a line to be avoided... ie - the 250 pound woman in a bikini or girls who wear their pants too tight and their shirts too short letting their "muffin top" belly hang out. Because then I'm not thinking "wow, she's fat," I'm thinking "wow, that's gross." It's not the fat really, it's the distasteful clothes.

Accentuate the good and downplay the bad - that's my theory. OK, maybe that's still on the "vain" side of the scale, since I still care what other people think. So, maybe I'm not really cut out to comment on this post at all, since it's clear that Sara still has body image issues.

Summer said...

Body issues will never go away. Even when I was 127 pounds (that's small for me!), I thought I was fat. Man oh man, if I could just be there again. But its not the weight. It's the image that we see ourselves in. When I look in the mirror, I still see myself at my heaviest---and Chris thinks I'm crazy. We ARE crazy. We are women that want the 18 year old body again. We'll never have it. Let's make a club and we can all go swimming together in string bikinis.

Monica said...

Sara - Well even if you have no words of wisdom it's helpful knowing others have the same issues. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only crazy person who worries about stuff like this.

Summer - Yes!! Lets start the string bikini club! haha

Sara said...

Uhh... Can I wear a cover up to the string bikini outings? Would that be defeating the purpose?

Monica said...

well i'd be right there with ya with my head to toe cover up...with the bikin on underneath.
But yeah, I think that would be defeating the purpose.

Anonymous said...

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免費 a片 ,免費av18禁 ,aio交友網 ,無碼女優 ,貼圖 ,69成人 ,美女寫真 ,qq聊天室 ,080苗栗人聊天室 ,波波情色貼圖 ,哈雷聊天室 ,情色漫畫 ,高雄正妹地圖 ,

看a片 ,成人夜色 ,小魔女自拍天堂 ,成人網站 情色論壇 ,視訊 ,影音分享 ,影音部落格 ,卡通影片 ,成人情色 ,色情聊天室 ,野外自拍 ,ut聊天室 ,aa的滿18歲影片 ,正妹強力版 ,3d美女圖 ,聊天室入口 ,性感沙灘3 ,成人文學 ,貼圖區 ,小弟弟貼影片 ,中部人聊天室 ,18禁漫畫 ,vlog電眼美女 ,躺伯虎聊天室 ,正妹照片 ,嘟嘟貼圖 ,av影片 ,小弟弟貼影片區 ,a片小說 ,080聊天室 ,a片免費看 ,正妹星球 ,真實自拍 ,看a片 ,