Saturday, May 17, 2008

Resting my eyes

So my husband has developed this very bad habit lately that is prompting me to seek a new church attending partner. You know some one I can sit with in service and not have to worry about being embarassed by. Unlike him, I actually like listening to my pastors sermons with my eyes open! Or another way I could say it is I actually like listening to my pastors sermons AWAKE! That's right my husband, Mr. Gary Paul Clifton, is the person sitting in service and falling asleep. Embarassing huh? And we sit in the 1st or 2nd row with in like 5 feet of our Pastor. Who knows how long he has been doing this but I just recently discovered it about 2 weeks ago. I glanced over at him and he is sitting perfectly straight up and looking toward the pastor and all and totally appears as though he is listening. At first I thought that maybe he was just blinking for a really long time but then realized that he was actually dozing off. So I nudged him really hard with my elbow and his eyes pop open immediately and he gives me this glare like how dare I distrub him while he's sleeping. I whisper, " You're sleeping in church!!!!!!" He says, "No, I'm not!" I say, " You're eyes are closed." He says," no they are not!" Okay so apparently embarassing me isn't enought so he's going to call me a liar too. I can't believe it. Why in the world would I make this up. He says maybe he's just resting his eyes. I say, "that's embarassing". So am I over reacting? Did I miss something? He acts like I should be okay with him "resting his eyes" in church. How can I keep my husband awake for the duration of the service with out having to nudge him every few seconds to make sure he is awake? because I think it is completely rude to take your nap at church. I just pray our Pastor has not noticed. Maybe we will sit way in the back tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

This made me laugh. I've seen people do that for as long as I can remember. I've even done it. I had a friend whose dad would always sleep in church when we were kids. It was a joke about ML sleeping during church but what was weird is if you asked him what the pastor talked about he could tell you. Maybe he needs some extra sleep or coffee? ;o)


Sara said...

Haha! Well, at least he's not the only one... I know of a few other people who are guilty of this as well. *cough* Julie *cough*

You should totally tell Anthony to call him out on it one Sunday in service. He might not do it again - lol.

Summer said...

You should totally talk to Vida about this. HAHAHAHA. Zach. Snore. Often.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, maybe the peace of the intuitive Word Of God coming from Pastor Anthony just over takes him and he enters some what of a semi-concious state. As if he is in deep meditation on the bread of Life that he is dining on.
(i tried Gary, good luck bro!)

Anonymous said...

I tried not to say it, but I cant contain myself, (sorry Pastor Anthony) The other alternative would be to attend church on Saturday night, say for instance maybe with some inlaws in San Marcos? hahahah.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with "meditating"? I personally think Anthony is honored by it :D

But just in case he's not, I try to sit as far back in the sanctuary as possible.

Monica said...

Joshua - I knew you would try to save Gary. We love going to Saturday Church with yall. But yall can stop the praying...we are not going to make it our home~
Please just let us come for the AWESOME worship. I'm so excited for John Ragsdale and Randy Phillips!

Hey James..thanks for the comment!! I enjoyed reading your and Elizabeths blog! I'm sure gary will appreciate all the men taking up for him. He kept the eyes open this past Sunday so we shall see how it goes but it is nice to know other people have this issue too. Makes it not so big of a deal.

Anonymous said...

Aww, he's just tired from working all week.

mrclif10 said...

Thank you Joshua and James -- I had not thought of claiming "meditation"! I like it! Now I just have to pray that Anthony never reads this blog....

Anonymous said...

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