Friday, May 23, 2008

Movie Day

So Gary had the day off today and we decided to take the girls to a movie. Start time 12:45. Cost to get in.... 26 dollars. Popcorn and a large water - 10 bucks. Oh yeah and I did something today that used to drive me crazy when I was a kid. My parents would always want to buy our own candy to take to the was so embarrassing to me. They would even take in their own soft drinks!! I drew the line there and yes I was the grown up that snuck in our own candy to the theatre. I'm such a rebel........or wait, am I cheapskate? Anyhow total cost for us to see Horton Hears a Who was 40 dollars. 40 dollars!!!!! And this was the early show and this was with all of us sharing one large bottle of water! That was crazy to me. I'm not complaining because prices these days are what they are but it just shocked me. But every one's happy and we're having a nice family day and we end up having the entire theatre to ourselves. That's nice because we don't have to worry about being quiet and all. So we're all sitting there munching on our 10 dollar popcorn and waiting for the movie to start. The theatre is playing their standard advertisement commercials and Bella looks at us and she's having fun, she's eating her candy and she says " This is a really good movie". Hahaha..the movie had not even started. She is so funny....I can't count the number of times she makes me laugh in a day. She is pure and total Joy. The movie was okay I guess. It had some good messages. Bella and Gary fell asleep. Surprise, Surprise. For me, I just can't watch these new kid movies anymore and just see it like a child might. There always seems to be these underlying, very adult messages and I no longer see it as a kids movie. This movies many messages surely flew right over my 8 year olds head. So what's the point of making it a kid movie? Hannah said she liked it but I'm wondering what exactly she got from it. Probably nothing and maybe that's the point because for me it was a pretty deep cartoon movie. Maybe kids don't like movies because they "get"it. Maybe they are supposed to just laugh at the silly parts and enjoy the animation....I don't know. It's been a long time since I've been a kid and my far from innocent eyes can't see well anymore. Or maybe they see too well. Maybe I think too much! BUT we did have a fun day and it brings me great pleasure to get to do fun things for and with my kiddos. For me you can't put a price on that.


Sara said...

Haha - Gary fell asleep. Well, the seats are just like sitting in church, I guess...

Amanda Gregory said...

Don't worry. Justin and I are going to the movie Saturday night and I informed him Friday I had to go "stock up" on my movie theatre candy. I hate paying those prices and they don't even have what I like. That's how I justify it!

Summer said...

what a good family day!

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