Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Doing right vs doing wrong

I mostly always try to do what is right but sometimesI'm not sure what the right thing is to do. I'm really in a sad situation with Hannah's biological father. A situation that I completely blame myself for and one that I will always know is my fault. Her dad is unlike any other person I have ever known and I wince at the fact I was ever dumb enough to get involved with someone like him. When I met him I was on a very deliberate vacation from my life of trying to do right. So I did lots of, very wrong. Now I have to pay the consequences. For her though her father is the best thing in the world and can do no wrong. Little does she know. I received a letter in the mail stating that a letter has been sent to his current employer to start with holding money from his paychecks. His paychecks where he earns $2.15 per hour. Yeah!!! That means I will start receiving maybe 20 dollars a week. But I'm not getting excited yet because I know this will not last very long because the boy is pretty gifted when it comes to getting fired. He's become really good at it and it's NEVER his fault. It's always the bosses fault or the customers fault or possibly even mine. So I struggle with wondering if I am wrong to think he should be helping me take care of Hannah financially when he can barely hold a job. When he can barely pay his bills. When he can barely go to work. Boy has to sleep in ya's hard being young and single and smoking cigarettes all day. I have tried to be gracious and give him the benefit of the doubt, hoping that he would grow up or mature or develop an ounce of ambition but he has proven time and time again that he has no intention of ever really being a normal,responsible adult and contributing financially to his daughter. Some have and will say......well she is already well taken care of. Why do you want him to pay his child support? Yes, she is taken care of and for that I am extremely grateful that she has a dad in Gary that provides for her like she is HIS daughter. Especially since I stopped working once Bella came along. Maybe I am saying too much in this blog and I know this is not any ones business but I really am at a point where I don't know what to do with him. The boy owes 21,000 dollars in unpaid child support! I have never turned him in or reported him for not paying. He could be in jail right now for owing that much. Plus they already know he's not paying. They are the ones that send me these dumb letters letting me know just how much he has not paid. I don't know if I should just let it go.....just allow him to not take care of his legal responsibility. I have upheld my end of the bargain. I let her go with him every other weekend regardless of the fact that he lives in a trash filled, unsanitary apartment and regardless of the fact that I never know if he will even have electricity or food or reliable transportation. Transportation!! He drives a dumpster on wheels. It's like a mobile trash can. It's disgusting. It's heartbreaking. But this is where the need to do what is right on my part kicks in and on my part the right thing is upholding the divorce settlement because by not doing so can actually get ME thrown in jail so I choose to obey it. I have to let her go. Him on the other hand.....well he just ignores it. I have no doubt he would turn me in if I ever kept Hannah from seeing him. 21,000 dollars is a lot of money. That could be sitting in a nice account for a college fund for her. He thinks I should just forgive the entire amount because it's all my fault he is in the position he is in because I am the one that left him and I am the one that ruined his life. Yes, he blames it all on me. Fine, whatever. Say what you must to cope. So should I just let it go? Should I just forgive the amount he owes and all future money? Would that be the right thing to do? Would that be the bigger thing to do? I don't know. I know this is cheesy but I find my self asking what would Jesus do. But yet I know Jesus never would have been dumb enough to be in such a situation.


Summer said...

I get you, but on another level. I had a father and currently a brother that continuously made (make) bad choices. Choices that tore our family apart....yet it was never their fault. Not their fault that we had no money or groceries in order to support a prescription drug habit; not their fault that rehab six times never helped; not their fault that being in a fight and beating someone so hard caused them to go the hospital because "he disrespected me." The list goes on. Choices are choices---and no matter what situations occur in someone's life, its their choice to live the life they have. With no fault to anyone else. It's easier to blame than to be strong and work harder.

So, you were a different person years ago. You aren't that person now and you have to tell yourself, its not your fault. What happened to you and how YOU personally responded to that particular situation is GOOD. GOOD, blessed things have occurred in your life, due to your personal response and action and steps you've taken to have a different life.

Responsibilities are responsibilities. Being a parent is one of the greatest--in all aspects, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual. So, maybe he'll never officially pay. And yes, Hannah is taken care of with an amazing family. Still, someone must own up to their own obligations.

You are a good mom, Monica. You and Gary provide Hannah (and Bella) a family that is centered around God.

Sara said...

I don't have any great words of wisdom, except that I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Sending hugs your way.

Monica said...

Thanks Sara. It's something that only bothers me every once in a while. Like when I get letters in the mail.
: )


Summer - I'm learning how to not be so blameful to myself....but it's hard. Gary and I do try very hard to provide a life for our girls that is centered around GOD. I hope that sticks with them regardless what happens in their lives. With hannah's dad though he goes and will try to undo what we do so it's very frustrating. I'd like to talk to you sometime about how you think it affected you as a girl growing up and even now from having to grow up with with a father that did not make the best choices. I worry so much about Hannah and what this is going to do to her.

Anonymous said...

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