Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Snake Hunters

Sooo I'm sitting on the computer at 9:30 tonight. Well I'm not sitting ON the know what I mean. I've read every one's blogs. I'm crazy obsessed with blogs by the way. I even read people's blogs that I don't even know hardly. I need help..... Anyway the reason I am sitting on the computer, Oh and I have looked at every ones myspace pages too. That's another strange addiction. What's wrong with me? Sorry. Anyway I would be in bed but my husband, whom I saw in a whole new light tonight, is still outside WITH A GUN. trying to kill a snake. Yep that's right. Oh and my dad is trying to help him. It's like tweedle dee and tweedle dum out there. Ohhh...that's mean! I'm kidding. They are VERY so much knowing what they are doing. They are so strong and manly. Really! Sooooo how many men does it take to kill a snake you ask? Apparently more than 2. How long does it take to kill a snake? So far more than 2 hours! How many shots( from a pellet gun) does it take to kill a snake?? I lost count after about 15 or 20. I think creatures are smarter than men. I watched them for a while and the snake was so sly and sneaky and calm. He just kept creeping up that tree, slithering like he just could not be bothered.
Okay, he just came in. I HAVE to hear how this ended.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha, that's funny!!!!
It took that many times to shoot it? I wish I could have been there. I could have got it at about the 5th!!!!
Too funny

Sara said...

LOL - that's hilarious! Let us know how it turned out.

Anonymous said...

well.........where's the update? What happened???? They do sound so manly. Dad is so nice, to be out that late making sure that snake is done with. Gary too, I am sure he could have done it all on his own.

Your so funny, I'm obsessed with your blog!

Monica said...

They killed the snake after about 20 shots! The snake had crawled way up high in the tree so they just kept shooting at it until it stopped moving. BUT it's still stuck up there and is dripping blood down on to the patio so it is dead! Gary checked on it this morning and it's still up there. He said maybe the birds will eat it.

Amanda Gregory said...

That is insane! Don't worry. I love reading Blogs also!

mrclif10 said...

Okay I have to defend myself (and my father-in-law) here. My lovely bride failed to mention how high up in our tree the snake had climbed -- to the very top! It was extremely hard to see it, and even harder to know whether or not my shots were hitting the intended target. So yes, we fired a few extra rounds just to make certain it was DEAD. Turns out he was. But that's not the end of the story -- I'll let Monica take back over from here (unless she leaves out some very important details again!)

Anonymous said...

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