Friday, September 26, 2008

Conversations with Bella

This is how typical conversation are going these days with Bella.

Me: Put on your shoes Bella we have to go to the store.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because we need groceries.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because we have to eat.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because if we don't eat we might get really sick.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because that's how we survive....on food. Now put on your shoes please.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because you can't go barefooted in the store.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because you're feet will get all dirty or you might step on nasty stuff.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because sometimes people throw stuff on the floor.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because they are not making good choices.
Bella: Why?
Me: Ummm because maybe their mommy did not teach them to not litter.
Bella: Why?
Me: I DON'T KNOW WHY......JUST BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bella: Why?
Me: Because mommy's don't know EVERYTHING!
Bella: Why?
Me: Because only God knows everything.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because that's how he wanted it.
Bella: Why?
Me: Because he's the boss
Bella: Why?
Me Because that's just how things are.
Bella: Why?

I've realized these conversations always seem to end with "Because that's just how God made things!!!"

But Why?????


Anonymous said...

I remember Taylor doing that when she was smaller.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!

Sara said...

Ha ha ha!!! I'm sure I'll have to deal with that someday soon...

Anonymous said...

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