Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dr. Evil

Okay so this morning at 8 oclock I had a dentist appointment. Morning started off rocky to begin with and then I have to go to the dentist. So I am not having a good day today. First of all I had 2 cavities! These are the first 2 cavities I have had in my entire life and so they had to fill those. Then do a deep cleaning because it has been forever since I have been to the dentist and when I say forever....I mean forever though I am not going to admit just how long because that is extremely embarrassing. Anyway the whole left side of my face is completely numb...even the corner of my left eye and I can't feel my tongue or teeth, only a throbbing pain radiating from my gums. I have sensitive gums. Very sensitive gums. They hurt. The funniest thing is that I can't tell that I am drooling out of the left side of my mouth so I have to constantly keep checking to make sure I am dry. And last but not least I have to be very conscious of my tongue since it is so numb.....I could actually be biting down on it and not even know....which they say is NOT GOOD! I absolutely HATE.....let me say that again, HATE going to the dentist. All the sounds of the drills and scrapping and squirting and sucking have my nerves shot. I'm literally shaking.....Oh man....this morning has been pure torture for this girl. Thank GOD Gary is off today....I'm crawling back in bed.


Sara said...

awwww man!! Hope you get some rest! I don't think the dentist is on my top 500 list, either.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby :(

Anonymous said...

Monica, I wished you had let me know about your dental appt., I would of been more than happy to make you some chicken soup, to help make you feel better. Let me know next time.


Anonymous said...

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