Thursday, September 11, 2008


Where were you 7 years ago? I remember I was at home and got a phone call from my dad to turn on and watch the news because one of the twin towers in new york had been hit by an airplane and was ablaze. And of course you know the rest is history. I was glued to the tv set that whole day in shock and disbelief at what was unfolding live on television. It was horrific to think about all those people trapped, dying, jumping out of windows to save themselves. Earlier this morning Fox news aired a 19 minute video of the events of that day starting with the first plane hitting. I still can not watch that footage with dry eyes. That for me was surely a defining moment. Before then I was pretty naive about the rest of the world (and honestly didn't care all that much either) and all that was going on and I guess that incident caused me to grow up and take more interest in things other than what shoes I was going to wear that day. I'll not ever forget the day the world did change......for me.


Anonymous said...

I, like you was pretty naive about terrorist and such. I remember we brought Joshua home from the hospital the evening before. So it was September 11, our first morning waking up as a family in our cozy little home. We got a call to turn on the tv and could not believe what we were seeing. I was scared and also saddened that these people were actually living what we were witnessing. I was scared that perhaps we too would see a was so uncertain how many planes there were and where they were headed. I hurt to think of the times in which or son would live. I knew nothing was ever going to be the same. Uh, still brings back memories. A pit in my stomach. Blah.....don't want to relive that.....

Sara said...

Jimmy and I were working out together that morning in the gym. We saw people in those wall-to-wall mirrors with their mouths hanging open in front of the TV and we laughed at them for how silly they all looked. What could be so jaw-dropping on TV at 9am on a Tuesday morning????

As soon as we realized what happened, of course, everything changed. I couldn't tear myself away from the TV for 3 days after that. What a heart-breaking day. I still can't think of it without a lump in my throat.

Anonymous said...

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